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The Wizard

‘The Wizard’

Season 9, Episode 15 - Aired February 26, 1998

As Kramer retires to Florida, Jerry visits Morty on his birthday. George gets caught in a lie with Susan Ross' parents. Meanwhile, Elaine is unsure of her boyfriend's ethnicity and doesn't know how to raise the topic.

Quote from Kramer

Jerry: Hey, Dad, you know, you can program this thing to beep every time you need a vitamin.
[Kramer walks in]
Jerry: Dad, you look so different.
Kramer: We're campaigning, Jerry. To rule the people, one must walk among them.
Morty Seinfeld: This is the homestretch. Tomorrow's the election.
Kramer: Right, yeah. The poll's close after dinner. Three o'clock. But then when we win, the celebration goes all night until the break of 8 p.m.


Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Kramer, I can't get that many Wizards.
Kramer: What about your deal?
Jerry: I didn't have a deal. They're $200 a pop. What do I do?
Kramer: Well, don't worry. I know a guy.
Jerry: Down here?
Kramer: Yeah. Bob Saccamano's father.

Quote from George

George: When are they gonna learn that any news about China is an instant page-turner?

Quote from Elaine

Jerry: Still no Puddy?
Elaine: Eh, I think his answering machine's broken, so I just gave up. What do you think?
Jerry: What, about you dating a black guy? What's the big deal?
Elaine: What black guy?
Jerry: Darryl. He's black, isn't he?
Elaine: He is?
George: No, he isn't.
Jerry: Isn't he, Elaine?
Elaine: You think?

Quote from Elaine

George: I thought he looked Irish.
Jerry: What's his last name?
Elaine: Nelson.
George: That's not Irish.
Jerry: I think he's black.
George: Should we talking about this?
Elaine: I think it's okay.
George: No, it isn't.
Jerry: Why not?
George: Well, it would be okay if Darryl was here.
Jerry: If he's black.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Oh, wow. These are nice. Do they have any cultural significance?
Darryl: They're African.
Elaine: Right. African.
Darryl: Well, not "Africa." Actually South Africa.
Elaine: South Africa.
Darryl: My family used to live there, but we got out years ago. For obvious reasons. You know how it is.
Elaine: Maybe.

Quote from George

George: You must hate hot dogs, huh? Or else you really like them and that's why you do this. I tell you, if I had one of these things I'd be eating hot dogs all the time.
Man: You gonna buy a hot dog or not?
George: No.

Quote from Morty Seinfeld

Morty Seinfeld: Rise and shine, sleepyhead.
Jerry: It's 5:30 in the morning.
Helen Seinfeld: We let you sleep in.
Jerry: Well, as long as I'm up, Dad, I got you a birthday present. Here. Happy birthday.
Morty Seinfeld: Oh, Jerry. I should be buying you presents.
Jerry: What does that mean?

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: So, George, do you have any thoughts on this Darryl situation?
George: Actually, I did have a thought.
Elaine: Oh.
George: Why don't you just ask him?
Elaine: Because if I ask him, then it's like I really want to know.
George: Maybe he's... mixed.
Elaine: Is that the right word?
George: I really don't think we're supposed to be talking about this. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom.
Elaine: You know what? I'm leaving. I'll just talk to Jerry when he gets back.

Quote from George

George: Rosses.
Mr. Ross: George. We were just talking about you.
George: Well, sorry I missed that charity thing, but this was one of those truly glorious Hampton weekends that you always hear about.
Mrs. Ross: Really?
George: Yeah, I may move out there. [off their look] I mean it. I'll do it. [they're silent] Okay, I'll see you later. Keep it real.

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