‘The Strongbox’
Season 9, Episode 14 - Aired February 5, 1998
After a spate of robberies in the building, Kramer starts storing his treasured belongings in a strongbox. George's girlfriend will not accept being dumped. Meanwhile, Elaine suspects her secretive new boyfriend might be married.
Quote from Kramer
Kramer: Hey. It happened again. Another robbery in the building.
Jerry: So you bought a cooler?
Kramer: It's a strongbox to protect my irreplaceables.
Elaine: And what would those be?
Kramer: Some taxidermy that's been in my family for generations. My Tony, my military discharge.
Jerry: You were in the Army?
Kramer: Briefly.
Quote from Kramer
Kramer: Now, I gotta find a good place to hide this key. Because if somebody finds this, they hold the key to all my possessions.
Elaine: Literally.
Kramer: 'Literally'? What's that supposed to mean?
Quote from Kramer
Kramer: You mind if I hide this somewhere?
Jerry: No, go ahead.
Kramer: [waits for Jerry to look away] A little privacy, huh?
Jerry: Oh, come on!
Kramer: Come on, Jerry, this is a security issue. Boy, you wouldn't last a day in the Army.
Jerry: How long did you last?
Kramer: Well, that's classified.
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: She said no?
George: She said no.
Jerry: What did you do?
George: What could I do? We fooled around and went to a movie.
Jerry: George, both parties don't have to consent to a breakup. It's not like you're launching missiles from a submarine and you both have to turn your keys.
Quote from George
Jerry: Check these out. These are Jerry Lewis' old cufflinks that he actually wore in the movie Cinderfella. I got 'em at an auction.
George: I got some cufflinks I could've loaned you.
Jerry: No, Jerry Lewis is gonna be at this Friar's Club roast I'm going to next week. Now I have an in to strike up a conversation with him.
George: You already have an in. You have the same first name. Jerry.
Jerry: Oh, that'll intrigue him.
George: Well, it worked when I met George Peppard last week.
Jerry: George Peppard has been dead for years.
George: Well, whoever he was, he knew a lot about The A-Team.
Quote from Elaine
Glenn: So you would choose your last meal based on the method of execution?
Elaine: Right, right. I mean, if I was getting the chair, I'd go for something hot and spicy. You know, Thai, maybe Mexican. Lethal injection feels like pasta. You know, painless, don't want anything too heavy.
Quote from Kramer
Jerry: So, you would date a married guy? That's so hacky.
Elaine: Well, I don't know. I may never marry. It might be the closest I get.
[As Jerry opens his cutlery drawer for a spoon, he finds Kramer's key]
Kramer: You peeked!
Jerry: This is your hiding place?!
Kramer: It was under a spoon!
Quote from George
George: And so, for all these reasons, we are officially broken up. Thank you, and good night.
Maura: No, George, we're not.
George: But I proved it.
Maura: I refuse to give up on this relationship. It's like launching missiles from a submarine. Both of use have to turn our keys.
George: Well, then, I am gonna have to ask you to turn your key.
Maura: I'm sorry, George, I can't do that.
George: Turn your key, Maura. Turn your key!
Quote from Elaine
Elaine: Jerry! Jerry!
Jerry: Elaine, what are you doing down there?
Elaine: You didn't hear me buzzing?
Jerry: Oh, I guess it's broken.
Elaine: Throw down your key.
Jerry: It's liable to bounce and go into a sewer.
Elaine: I'll catch it!
Jerry: You'll chicken out at the last second.
Elaine: Yeah, you're right.
Quote from George
George: [inner monologue] I think that ginger ale at the coffee shop is just Coke and Sprite mixed together. How can I prove it? Ah, can't. Dammit.