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The Wink

‘The Wink’

Season 7, Episode 4 - Aired October 12, 1995

George can't stop winking after a piece of grapefruit squirts in his eye. Elaine dates her wake-up service guy. Meanwhile, Jerry dates Elaine's cousin who doesn't like his low-meat diet, and Kramer promises a sick kid that a baseball player will score two home runs for him.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Hey. What's all this?
Holly: I decided I was going to make you dinner.
Jerry: I thought we were going out.
Holly: Well, after you scarfed up my mutton I had the irresistible urge to make pork chops for you. Well, I said hello to Franco for you.
Jerry: Franco?
Holly: Your butcher, down the street.
Jerry: Oh. I bet he acted aloof like he didn't know me.
Holly: A little.
Jerry: That is so Franco.


Quote from Kramer

Bobby: Hey.
Kramer: Huh?
Bobby: That's not a home run.
Kramer: Well, maybe not technically, but …
Bobby: You said he'd hit two home runs.
Kramer: Oh, come on. Bobby, Bobby! That's just as good!
Bobby: Well, you're not taking that card.
Kramer: Now, Bobby. Bobby, we had a deal. Come on, gimme that...

Quote from George

Wilhelm: I still want to know what happened to that birthday card? Now, Morgan, did you ever sign it?
Mr. Morgan: No, sir. George never gave it to me.
George: No, that's right. I didn't. I take full responsibility for the card not being here. I, uh, . . .
Kramer: [enters] I got it.
Wilhelm: What's this?
Kramer: Oh, it's a birthday card. Yeah. Oh, by the way, tomorrow night, Paul O'Neill has to catch a fly ball in his hat.
Wilhelm: George, this is beautiful. Why didn't you tell me you were going to have it mounted like this?
Kramer: And you were probably just going to stick it in an envelope.
Wilhelm: [laughs] Ah, George, keep up the good work.
Mr. Morgan: [laughs] Well, you screwed me again, Costanza. How am I supposed to sign the card now when it's already under glass?

Quote from Jerry

Holly: Excuse me. What are those dogs wearing?
James: Oh, bandannas, aren't they cute?
Holly: You gave Mema's napkins to some dogs?!
Jerry: Hey, what happened to my jacket?
James: Oh, the dogs did that. But it wasn't their fault, somebody stuffed some strange meat in the pocket.
Holly: Was it mutton?
James: Could have been.
Holly: Do you always stuff meat in your pocket? [dogs climb on sofa]
Jerry: Uh, sometimes I use the sofa.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: I think I'd rather go out on a deaf date than a blind date. The question is whether you'd rather date the blind or the deaf.
Elaine: Ah.
George: Now you're off on a topic.
Jerry: See, now, I think, I would rather date the deaf.
Elaine: Uh-huh.
Jerry: Because I think the blind would probably be a little messier around the house. I mean, let's face it, they're not going to get all the crumbs. I'd constantly be walking around with a sponge.
George: You see, I disagree. I'd rather be dating the blind. You know, you could let the house go. You could let yourself go. A good looking blind woman doesn't really know that you're not good enough for her.
Elaine: I think she'd figure it out soon enough.

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