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The Statue

‘The Statue’

Season 2, Episode 6 - Aired April 11, 1991

When Jerry hires the boyfriend of Elaine's colleague as a cleaner, the pair are put in an uncomfortable position after the guy apparently steals a statue from Jerry's apartment that George had claimed.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Spread out! Sread out you numbskulls. Why don't you just settle it like mature adults?
Kramer: Potato man!
George: No, no, no potato man. Inka-dink.
Kramer: Okay, start with me.
George: Yeah, good, good.
Jerry: Inka-dink, a bottle of ink. The cork fell out, and you stink. Not because you're dirty, not because you're clean, just because you kissed the girl behind the magazine.. [lands on Kramer, then completes the rhyme] And you are it! [lands on George]
Kramer: What?! Wait a minute. No, no, no. What are you doing? No, no. Oh, oh, okay. He's out. I get it.
George: No, no, no, no. I'm "it". I win.
Jerry: No, he's it. He wins. "It" is good.
Kramer: Do over. Start with him.
Jerry: No, no, no, come on, Kramer. Now, you got the socks.


Quote from Kramer

Kramer: All right, you can have it. Okay, I'm gonna take the suit, and the shoes, and the hat.
Jerry: All right, come on. Let's go.
Kramer: Hey, I'll look like Joe Friday in Dragnet. [hums the Dragnet theme song]

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Hey, you know, you owe me one.
George: What?
Jerry: The Inka-dink, you were "it".
George: It's bad?
Jerry: It's very bad.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: So, where's this boyfriend of yours? I can't wait much longer. I've got a flight.
Elaine: Oh, probably caught in traffic.
Rava: Or maybe he's dead.
Jerry: So what do you write, children's books?

Quote from Jerry

Ray: Ah, greetings, greetings, and salutations. I beg your forgiveness. My tardiness was unavoidable. Rava, my love. Elaine, my dear friend.. And you must be Jerry. Lord of the manor. Ah, my liege. A pleasure to serve you. [bows]
Jerry: ... All right.
Rava: And we have to get back to work.
Jerry: I gotta get to the airport.
Ray: Your place shall sparkle like the stars in heaven upon your save arrival, Sire.
Jerry: The toilet brush is under the sink.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Elaine, he Windexed the little peep hole!

Quote from Jerry

Ray: Well, this is an unexpected surprise. And Delight! The once and future king of comedy, "Jerry the First," gracing our humble abode. Rava, we're in the presence of royalty.
Jerry: Hey, Ray, listen, you really did a tremendous job cleaning that apartment.
Ray: But I didn't just clean your apartment. It was a ritual, a ceremony, a celebration of life.
Jerry: Shouldn't you be out on a ledge somewhere? [all laugh, Ray laughs longer]

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: I think that's the statue from my house. That looks like the statue from my house!
Elaine: What statue?
Jerry: I had a statue!
Elaine: You have a statue? I never saw a statue.
Jerry: My grandfather gave me a statue!
Elaine: Since when?
Jerry: What's the difference?! That's the one! He ripped me off! This guy ripped me off!

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: [on the phone, whispers] Kramer! Kramer! It's Jerry! Jerry! From next door! Never mind where I am! Yes, Jerry Seinfeld!
[Jerry sees Rava enter the room]
Jerry: [on the phone, normally] Ma, I told ya, just dip the bread in the batter, and put in right in the pan. Okay, bye. [to Rava] My mother. She forgot how to make French Toast. You know how mothers are.
Rava: My mother left us when I was six years old. All seven of us. He ever heard from her again. I hope she's rotting in an alley somewhere.
Jerry: [long pause] My mom's down in Florida. She's go one of those condos.. Hot down there in the summer. You ever been down there?

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Listen, I just remembered.. I'm... Uh, getting a facial.
Elaine: Oh, see you tomorrow morning.
Ray: Oh, how about dinner?
Jerry: No, I don't eat dinner. Dinner's for suckers.

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