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The Soup Nazi

‘The Soup Nazi’

Season 7, Episode 6 - Aired November 2, 1995

The gang visit a soup stand run by a demanding, no-nonsense chef. George is irritated by how affectionate Jerry is with his new girlfriend. Elaine buys an armoire from a guy on the street.

Quote from George

Susan Ross: Look, they have it in blue, for my baby bluey. Are you my baby bluey?
George: Oh, yes. I- m your baby bluey.


Quote from Jerry

George: All right. So, what theatre you wanna go to tonight? We got 61st and 3rd or 84th and Broadway.
Jerry: Which one you wanna go to Schmoopie?
Sheila: You called me Schmoopie. You're Schmoopie.
Jerry: You're Schmoopie!
Sheila: You're Schmoopie!
Jerry: You're a Schmoopie!
George: All right, shmoopies. What's it gonna be? Pick a theater.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Whoa! Wow, look at this. You know what this is? This is an antique armoire. Wow! It's French. Armoire.
Jerry: Ar-moire.
Elaine: How much is this?
Man: I was asking 250, but you got a nice face. 2 even.
Elaine: Ha. 200. You know, I've always wanted one of these things.
Jerry: He gave you the nice face discount.
Elaine: Yeah. All right. You guys go ahead.
Jerry: What about the soup?
Elaine: I'm getting an armoire, Jerry.
Jerry: Pardon.

Quote from George

George: This line is huge.
Jerry: It's like this all the time.
George: Isn't that that Bania guy?
Jerry: Oh, no. It is. Just be still.
George: Whoop! Too late. I think he picked up the scent.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: What do you mean I can't bring in here? I live here.
Super: Its Sunday, Elaine. There's no moving on Sunday. That's the rule.
Elaine: But I didn't know, Tom. I- Can't you just make an exception? Please. I've got a nice face.
Susan Ross: Tomorrow, okay? You can move it in tomorrow. I'll even give you a hand, all right?
Elaine: Oh! Well, you're just gonna have to hold this for me.
Man: I'm a guy on the sidewalk. I don't have layaway.
Elaine: Oh, no. Please don't go. Please. Please don't walk away.

Quote from Kramer

[After Kramer enters Jerry's apartment, he goes straight to the couch, takes a cushion and heads for the door]
Kramer: Yeah.
Jerry: Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. What are you doing?
Kramer: Yeah. Elaine, she has to leave her armoire on the street all night. I'm gonna guard it for her. I need something to sit on.
Jerry: Well, sit on one of your cushions.
Kramer: Yeah, but this is so nice and thick.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Hey, didn't you already get soup?
George: No, I didn't get it.
Elaine: Why? What happened?
George: I made a mistake. [Elaine laughs] All right. Well, we'll see what happens to you.
Elaine: Yeah. No. Listen, George, I am quite certain I'm walking out of there with a bowl of soup.

Quote from George

George: Hey, let ask you something. Is it just me, or do you find it unbearable to be around Jerry and that girl?
Elaine: Oh, I know! It is awful!
George: I mean, why do they have to do that in front of people?
Elaine: I don't know.
George: What is that with the Schmoopie?
Elaine: Oh!
George: The Schmoopie...
Elaine: Oh, stop it! I know.
George: I had to listen to a five minute discussion on which one is actually called Schmoopie.

Quote from George

Elaine: You know, we should say something.
George: You know, we absolutely should.
Elaine: I mean, why does he do that? Doesn't he know what a huge turnoff that is?
George: I don't know. He can be so weird sometimes.
Elaine: Yeah.
George: I still haven't figured him out.
Elaine: No. Me neither.
George: All right. Shh! I gotta focus. I'm shifting into soup mode.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: What are you doing?
Bob: What does it look like we're doing? We're taking this.
Kramer: You can't take this. This belongs to a friend of mine.
Bob: Look, you wanna get hurt?
Kramer: Huh?
Bob: I don't think you wanna get hurt. Because if you wanna get hurt I can hurt you. Now, just back off.
Ray: Bob.
Bob: Just pick it up.
Kramer: What is this, huh?
Bob: You have some kind of problem here? What is it you're not understanding? We taking the armoire and that's all there is to it. Okay?

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