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The Slicer

‘The Slicer’

Season 9, Episode 7 -  Aired November 13, 1997

When George starts a great new job, he realizes he had a run in with the boss a decade earlier. Jerry questions the life-saving credentials of dermatologist Sara (guest star Marcia Cross). Meanwhile, Kramer starts slicing meats and lends his slicer to Elaine.

Quote from George

George: Wait a minute, she did a skin cancer screening at Peterman?
Elaine: Uh-huh.
George: Could she do that at Kruger?
Elaine: I don't know, I guess.
George: So I set up a screening, everyone takes their shirt off and click, I snap me a shot of a bear-chested Kruger.
Elaine: You have a little thing for this fella?


Quote from Jerry

George: Jerry, you gotta talk to Sitarides.
Jerry: Yesterday, you said I had to get my revenge on her.
George: And that was wrong, Jerry! You simply must apologize.
Jerry: Must I?
George: Yes, because it is the mature, adult thing to do.
Jerry: How does that affect me?

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: So again, I'm sorry. I had no right to yell at you. You're a life saving doctor and I'm just a comedian.
Sara: Jerry, enough. I'll do your friend's cancer screening, because I believe in that. But as far as you and I are concerned, it's off.
Jerry: Was it Pimple Popper, M.D.?
Sara: That's the one. [walks away]
Jerry: Still got it.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Boy, that looks like an allergic reaction. Have you been wearing a fake beard?
Jerry: No.
Kramer: Well, what have you been doing?
Jerry: Nothing, I got up, run some errands, I went down to Sara's office and apologized...
Kramer: Whoa whoa, backup, Dr. Sitarides, what happened there?
Jerry: Well, I tried to apologize, it didn't go over that well...
Kramer: There, there's your hives.
Jerry: What, she gave me hives?
Kramer: Jerry, as the Bible say, "Thou who cureth, can maketh ill".
Jerry: She did kind of touch my face.
Kramer: Now, you listen to me, you've got to find this woman and tell her that you're not a test tube pin cushion.

Quote from George

George: I just talked to Mr. Kruger. He'll be down in a minute. He wanted me to take a photograph for the record.
Sara: What record?
George: His personal file. I, I don't ask...

Quote from Jerry

Sara: Jerry? What brings you here?
Jerry: I don't know, this? [shows his neck]
Sara: Looks like hives.
Jerry: Where do you suppose that could have come from?
George: Jerry, what are you doing...
Kramer: He is just setting the record straight.
Jerry: Come on Sitarides, cop to it. What brand of perverted science do you practice?
Sara: Are you suggesting I somehow I infected you on purpose?
Jerry: I want the antidote, Pimple Popper!

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Male mammal. Approximately 30 to 60 years of age. Weight, oh, indeterminate. Okay, Mr. Kruger, we're gonna take a photo now for the record. So if you'll stand up please and give me a big smile. Oh, no, no, no, not that big. Yeah, that's nice. Yes, okay. Yes, let's have a look see. Okay, okay. So... Uh, fiber from shirt on the left shoulder. I'm gonna have to keep my eye on that.
Kruger: How long have you been doing this Dr. Van Nostrand?
Kramer: Oh, long, long time. Yes, I've seen moles so big they have their own moles. Freckles that cover two men.
Kruger: So, how am I looking?
Kramer: Oh, so far, so good... [looks at Kruger's shoulder] Uh-ye.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: So, Kramer pulled it off?
George: Yep, and the photo was all fixed and back on his desk, no thanks to you.
Jerry: Well, that woman had it coming to her. Look at my neck, it looks like I had a beard of bees!
George: Why don't you see someone about it?
Jerry: I've called everyone. You know how hard it is to get a dermatologist in this town? [Kramer comes in] A real dermatologist.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Squamous cell carcinoma.
George: You know, you're not a doctor. You shouldn't even have books like this.
Kramer: George, that's what he has and I have to give him a call. Now we got to came clean.
George: You can't tell him the truth. You're gonna blow the whole thing.
Kramer: I don't want this on my conscience.
George: I'll get him to see a real doctor. You just stay away from this.

Quote from Kramer

Jerry: Hey, I wonder if they have a picture of my rash in here.
Kramer: They've got everything there, Jerry. I underlined the best parts.
Jerry: Hey, this looks like the thing I have. Caused by exposure to benzene, a common ingredient in metal cleaners.
Kramer: [cleans his blade] Well, that's weird.
Jerry: What are you doing?
Kramer: Well, I'm cleaning my slicer.
Jerry: That's my hand towel! I use that on my face, hands and chest! That's where the hives are coming from! It's not from Dr. Sitarides, it's from Dr. Van Nostrand!
Kramer: So, somehow the Bronze-O is reacting to the poison she's giving you.
Jerry: All right, get out. And take your Bronze-O with you. [throws it to Kramer]
Kramer: Oh, that's toxic. [Jerry throws the towel over Kramer's head]

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