Kramer Quote #1008
Quote from Kramer in The Slicer
Kramer: Male mammal. Approximately 30 to 60 years of age. Weight, oh, indeterminate. Okay, Mr. Kruger, we're gonna take a photo now for the record. So if you'll stand up please and give me a big smile. Oh, no, no, no, not that big. Yeah, that's nice. Yes, okay. Yes, let's have a look see. Okay, okay. So... Uh, fiber from shirt on the left shoulder. I'm gonna have to keep my eye on that.
Kruger: How long have you been doing this Dr. Van Nostrand?
Kramer: Oh, long, long time. Yes, I've seen moles so big they have their own moles. Freckles that cover two men.
Kruger: So, how am I looking?
Kramer: Oh, so far, so good... [looks at Kruger's shoulder] Uh-ye.
Features in the collection: Dr. Van Nostrand & H.E. Pennypacker.
Seinfeld Quotes
‘Dr. Van Nostrand & H.E. Pennypacker’
Quote from Kramer in The Millenium
Kramer: Hi, I'm H.E. Pennypacker. I'm a wealthy American industrialist, uh, looking to open a silver mine in the mountains of Peru. And uh, before I invest millions in a lucrative mine, I, I'd like to go a little native. Uh. Get the feel of their condiments, of their unmentionables. You know, the real uh, gritty-gritty. [eats chips]
Gladys: Well, let me show you what we have.
Kramer: Well, uh, I think I can just browse around on my own. [eats chips] Hmm, Machu Pichu. Are these free?
Gladys: Yeah.
Kramer: Hmm-mmm.
[Kramer walks over to a rack, indiscriminately takes a selection of clothes, and then starts choking on the chips on his way to the changing room]
Gladys: Some of those are women's clothes.
Kramer: Oh, not a problem.
[Kramer closes the curtain. The sound of a pricing gun can be heard. Kramer drops it and then steps on it.]
Quote from Jerry in The Puerto Rican Day
Mrs. Nyhart: Would you like to see the rest of the apartment, Mister, um--
Jerry: Uh... Varnsen. Kel Varnsen. Actually, this room intrigues me. Why is it called the TV room?
Mrs. Nyhart: Well, it's--
Jerry: [at TV] Balk?! How was that a balk?! You have any snacks?
Mrs. Nyhart: Mr. Varnsen, if you like the apartment, I should tell you I've also had some interest from a wealthy industrialist.
Jerry: Not Pennypacker.
Mrs. Nyhart: You know him?
Jerry: I wish I didn't. Brace yourself, madam, for an all-out bidding war. But this time, advantage Varnsen!
‘The Slicer’ Quotes
Quote from George
George: ...and then when I saw the photo I remembered where I'd seen him. The boom box incident.
Jerry: The boom box incident?
George: Summer of '89, I'm at the beach. This family sets up next to me. I go in to the surf. When I come from out, my clothes, my towel, my umbrella, they're all gone. I am furious, I start screaming to these kids demanding my stuff back and finally I lose it; I grab their boom box and I chuck it in to the ocean.
Jerry: Seems reasonable.
George: Then I see my clothes floating out there. The tide took them out, not the kids.
Jerry: Even more reasonable.
George: So now, the father is screaming at me, he's demanding that I pay for the boom box. Finally, I gave them a fake address and got the hell out of there.
Jerry: And that guy is your new boss?
George: Until that stupid photo jogs his memory.
Quote from George
Clerk: Here you go, airbrushed in to sand and sky.
George: What did you do here? You took out the wrong guy.
Clerk: I thought you said you wanted to be out?
George: Well, I'm still here. You took out the other guy!
Clerk: You've really lost a lot of hair.
George: I am aware!
Quote from George
Kruger: George, come in. I'm just going over our annual report. Boy, did we take it on the chin last year.
George: Listen, Mr. Kruger, I got a message from Dr. Van Nostrand and he says it might be wise to you to see another doctor about that mole.
Kruger: I'm not too worried about it.
George: Well, he said it could be cancerous. Maybe you should get it checked out.
Kruger: George, take a look at this photo. This was taken 10 years ago. That mole looks exactly as it does today. So, there's no cause for concern, huh?
George: Whatever.
Kruger: Actually, funny thing about this photo. We were at the beach and there was this dumb looking guy near by. When he went in for a swim, my sons and I took all his stuff and threw it in the ocean! What a pear-shaped loser.
George: Well, that pear-shaped loser was me! And I was in that photo, until I broke in here, stole the photograph and airbrushed myself out of it.
Kruger: Well, I'll be. You have lost a lot of hair.
George: That's what they tell me!