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Quote from Kramer in The Slicer

Kramer: Male mammal. Approximately 30 to 60 years of age. Weight, oh, indeterminate. Okay, Mr. Kruger, we're gonna take a photo now for the record. So if you'll stand up please and give me a big smile. Oh, no, no, no, not that big. Yeah, that's nice. Yes, okay. Yes, let's have a look see. Okay, okay. So... Uh, fiber from shirt on the left shoulder. I'm gonna have to keep my eye on that.
Kruger: How long have you been doing this Dr. Van Nostrand?
Kramer: Oh, long, long time. Yes, I've seen moles so big they have their own moles. Freckles that cover two men.
Kruger: So, how am I looking?
Kramer: Oh, so far, so good... [looks at Kruger's shoulder] Uh-ye.

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