‘The Label Maker’
Season 6, Episode 12 - Aired January 19, 1995
After Jerry gives Superbowl tickets to Tim Whatley (Bryan Cranston), the dentist "regifts" a label maker that Elaine gave him. Meanwhile, George dates a woman who is living with a man just like him, and Kramer and Newman play a game of Risk.
Quote from Elaine
Elaine: I've got a confession to make.
Tim Whatley: Oh? What's that?
Elaine: I've got Super Bowl fever.
Tim Whatley: Oh, yeah. Me too.
Elaine: So where are we staying?
Tim Whatley: Oh, the Ambassador.
Elaine: Oh. Big room?
Tim Whatley: It's a regular room, but it's right downtown.
Elaine: Downtown?
Tim Whatley: Right downtown.
Elaine: What do they have there, a couple of beds?
Tim Whatley: Why? You bringing someone else?
Elaine: No, but don't you think there should be two beds? There's two of us.
Quote from George
Bonnie: Oh, a cactus.
George: They don't need any water, so you don't have to keep taking them to the bathroom. [both laugh]
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: Where are you going?
George: I gotta go help her tape up all his boxes and get them ready for shipping.
Jerry: Oh, well here. Take Whatley's label maker, I don't want to see it again.
George: Thanks.
Quote from Kramer
Jerry: Hey, isn't this Kramer's car? [yelling up] Hey, Cosmo! They're towing your car!
Kramer: What?! Not my car! Hey! [runs out of the apartment] They're towing my car! [returns]
Newman: What are you doing?
Kramer: I'm taking the board with me.
Quote from George
Bonnie: Hi, George.
George: What, what happened? Where's, where's all the stuff?
Bonnie: It's gone. It was all his. Is this a label maker?
George: But the table, the stereo, the VCR, the velvet couch. Where's the velvet?
Bonnie: They were his. Besides, we don't need any of those things. We have each other.
Quote from Elaine
Tim Whatley: Oh, yeah, some gift. That thing didn't work at all.
Elaine: What?
Tim Whatley: You put a label on something, then ten minutes later it would peel right off. It was the worst gift I ever got.
Elaine: Well, I bought it for you because you were so nice to me for not charging me for the dental work. The way you worked on my filling, you were so, so gentle and so caring and so sensitive.
Tim Whatley: Oh, Elaine! [they kiss]