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The Glasses

‘The Glasses’

Season 5, Episode 3 - Aired September 30, 1993

After George's glasses are stolen, Kramer tells him about a store where he can get a discount. At the store, Elaine is bitten by a dog, and George is convinced he saw Jerry's girlfriend kiss his cousin.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: What do you mean you can't tell me?
George: I can't tell you, don't ask.
Jerry: I'm asking!
Elaine: Jerry, my leg.
Jerry: Yeah, yeah, take care. [throws her some paper towels]


Quote from George

George: I saw Amy making out with your cousin Jeffrey.
Jerry: What?
George: They were right outside!
Jerry: Amy and Jeffrey?
George: Yes!
Jerry: Are you sure?
George: Yes, positive.
Jerry: But you can't see, there's no lenses in those frames.
George: I know! I was squinting.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Listen, Jerry, you just catch up with me okay? You can just follow the trail of blood.
Jerry: [to George] We're gonna have to talk about this later.

Quote from George

George: Excuse me, what do you think of these?
Dwayne: Oh, we just got those in. It's a very exciting new frame.
George: Yes, it is exciting! All right, this is gonna be my new face.
Dwayne: All right, you have a prescription?
George: Yeah. [hands over prescription] Kramer.
Dwayne: What?
George: Kramer.
Dwayne: What about him?
Dwayne: Yes.
George: Well, I'm mentioning his name.
Dwayne: Why?
George: Because... you know...
Dwayne: No, I don't know. Look, I'm gonna need a deposit on these.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: So, what did you do yesterday?
Amy: Yesterday?
Jerry: Yeah, you remember yesterday? Beautiful day. Good day to be out.
Amy: I didn't do anything.
Jerry: Oh you must have done something.
Amy: No, nothing really.
Jerry: Didn't go out of the house? Didn't take a walk... on Columbus Avenue?
Amy: Well, I did go out for a little while.
Jerry: Well, your day's getting more interesting already.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Ah, see, told me they'd be back in a minute and they lied.
Amy: You can't trust anyone.
Jerry: No, you can't. Now, let's cut the bull, sister! You think I don't know about you swapping spit with somebody yesterday on Columbus Avenue?
Amy: What are you talking about?
Jerry: Look, my friend saw you.
Amy: Saw me? With who?
Jerry: You tell me.
Amy: There's nothing to tell.
Jerry: There isn't?
Amy: No.
Jerry: Oh. All right. Wanna get some pizza?

Quote from Jerry

Amy: I had a feeling this was to good to be true.
Jerry: Why?
Amy: I knew there had to be another side to you.
Jerry: No, no, there's no side!
Amy: There is a side, an ugly side.
Jerry: No, no, no ugly side.
Amy: Look, I think I'm gonna go.
Jerry: Why?
Amy: It's really hot in here.
Jerry: Uh, so we can still go out on Friday though?
Amy: Yeah. When are you getting an air conditioner?
Jerry: It's coming. It's a Commando 8. 12,000 BTU's! It's gonna be like a meat locker in here.

Quote from Elaine

Jerry: Hey, what happened to you? You buzzed five minutes ago.
Elaine: There was a dog in front of the building and it spooked me. I couldn't come in until he left.
Jerry: A little white dog?
Elaine: Yeah.
Jerry: Snowball? You were afraid of Snowball?
Elaine: I'm afraid of dogs now.
Jerry: He's like a squirrel.
Elaine: Well, he frightened me.

Quote from Kramer

George: Pardon me, I went to see your friend Dwayne. There was no discount.
Kramer: What?
George: That's right, no discount!
Kramer: Well, did you mention my name?
George: Yes, I mentioned your name.
Kramer: And?
George: Butkus!
Kramer: Now, I don't believe this. That guy owes me big time. I got him off sugar! Look, I'm gonna go down there with you right now.

Quote from George

Kramer: Look, all you gotta to is get Amy and Jeffrey together somewhere, that's it.
Jerry: Hey, wait a second, wait a second. I'm going over to Jeffrey's apartment tomorrow night to pick up these Paul Simon tickets. I'm gonna surprise Amy. All I gotta do is bring her with me. And then when Jeffrey opens the door, it's Howdy Doody time.
Kramer: Right this way, mister Doody!
George: [tearing up from the onion] You'll see I'm right.

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