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The Dog

‘The Dog’

Season 3, Episode 4 - Aired October 9, 1991

After being seated next to a drunk guy on a plane, Jerry ends up taking care of the man's dog. Meanwhile, George and Elaine hang out together for the first time, and Kramer tries to break up with his girlfriend.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: I don't know what to do. I mean what if I take it to the pound then the guy shows up?
Elaine: Maybe you should call the airline, they might know where he is.
Jerry: No, I tried. they don't know anything. You gotta put the syrup in first.
Elaine: No, milk.
Jerry: I'm telling you the guy's a drunk, he's probably on a bender.
Elaine: What is a bender anyhow?
Jerry: I don't know, they drink and they bend things at the bar.
Elaine: I can't believe he hasn't called.
Jerry: Two hundred seats on a plane, I gotta wind up next to Yukon Jack and his dog Cujo.


Quote from Kramer

Kramer: I gotta get this Ellen out of my life.
Jerry: You're breaking up?
Kramer: Oh, ho, ho, ho, yeah. The sooner the better. I can't wait to do it. You know how there's some people you worry about whether you're going to hurt their feelings? With her, I'm looking forward to it. I'd like to get it on video, watch it in slow motion and freeze frame it. Oh ho, yeah.
Elaine: Kramer, I don't know how you lasted as long as you did.
Kramer: Woah, you didn't like her?
Elaine: If you could see her personality it would be like one of the Elephant Man exhibits, you know where they pull off the sheet and everyone gasps.
Jerry: I can't believe someone hasn't killed her yet.
Kramer: How come you never said anything?
Jerry: You can't tell someone how you feel about their girlfriend until after they stop seeing them.
Kramer: I tell you.
Jerry: You. I'm talking about people.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Just me and George?
Jerry: Sure.
Elaine: But we need you.
Jerry: What do you need me for?
Elaine: Because... [over intercom] Yeah?
George: [over intercom] Prognosis Negative!
Elaine: Because I relate to George through you. We're like friends-in-law.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: I can't go.
George: Can't go? Why not?
Jerry: Because I have to watch idiot Farfel.
George: I thought Kramer was watching.
Jerry: He's breaking up with his girlfriend tonight.
George: Well, so what's the problem? You just put some newspaper down.
Jerry: No, I don't want that smell in the house.
George: You spritz a little Lysol on it.
Jerry: No, it's like BO and cologne. They combine forces into some kind of strange mutant funk.

Quote from George

George: So how long did you live there?
Elaine: About three years.
George: That's pretty long.
Elaine: Hmm.
George: It's not that long, really.
Elaine: Yeah. [long pause, then they both speak at the same time]
George: And then you came here.
Elaine: Yeah. So I've been here about six years.
George: '86, '87, '88, '89, '90, '91. Yup.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Please! Please! I take it all back. Everything! I take it all back! Every word! I love you! I love you! I can't live without you, I'll do anything!

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: [sings] Going to the dog pound, everybody! Going to the dog pound, come on
down. [talks to Elaine] What?
Elaine: Do you have to?
Jerry: What am I supposed to do? I don't want to do it. I like dogs. I'm not sure this is a dog.
Elaine: You know, the guy might have just lost your number.
Jerry: I'm in the book and I have a machine.
Elaine: Jerry, do you know what they do to dogs at the pound? They keep them there for a week and then if nobody claims them, they kill them.
Jerry: Really? How late are they open?

Quote from Kramer

Jerry: What?
Elaine: What is it?
Kramer: I went back with Ellen.
Both: Oh, that's great.
Elaine: Terrific.
Jerry: Yeah, I really think you guys are good together.
Elaine: Yes, she understands you and she is not demanding.
Kramer: Do you think that I forgot what you two said about her?
Jerry: I was just trying to be supportive, you know. I knew you were upset.
Kramer: From now on when we pass each other in the hall, I don't know you, you don't know me.
Elaine: Oh, Kramer, we didn't mean it.
Jerry: What are you doing?
Kramer: I'm getting my pot. [grabs a pot, exits]

Quote from Jerry

Elaine: Kramer, we like her.
Jerry: Kramer? What did we say that's so bad?
Elaine: I believe I referred to her personality as a potential science exhibit.
Jerry: I said, "How come no one's killed her?" Eh, probably shouldn't have said anything. Everyone knows the first break-up never takes.

Quote from George

Jerry: Talk amongst yourselves, I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
George: Uh, Jerry, how long will you be in there?
Jerry: I don't know, regular human time?
George: Uh, why don't you wait then go in the movies?
Jerry: Why shouldn't I go here?
Elaine: Well, you know, I mean, sometimes it's good to get there and make sure you get your seats and then go to the bathroom.
George: And isn't it more fun using the urinal?
Elaine: Yeah.
Jerry: Oh, yeah. Urinals are fun. Can I go?!
George: Hey, go.
Elaine: Who's stopping you?
George: What, are you doing me a favor?
Elaine: Like we care if you go to the bathroom.

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