Janitor Quote #44

Quote from Janitor in My Sacrificial Clam

Janitor: Hey, I thought about what you said before, and, um, you're right. I haven't been that nice.
J.D.: And?
Janitor: That's it. What, do you want to go to a ballgame and share a big tub of popcorn?
[As J.D. walks away, the Janitor removes two tickets from his pocket]
Janitor: That's the last time I reach out. Anybody want to go to a... Not you.


 ‘My Sacrificial Clam’ Quotes

Quote from Todd

Todd: Push it out. Two more. Come on, kid. Bitchin' reps.
Dr. Cox: A dumb-ass says what?
Todd: What?
Dr. Cox: I said, "A dumb-ass says what?"
Todd: What?

Quote from Nurse Roberts

J.D.: [v.o.] And I was having problems with my lady too.
Nurse Roberts: Can we get a move on, Q-Tip? I got tickets to Bring in 'Da Noise, Bring in 'Da Funk and I don't want to miss the noise.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] You know, when you start med school, they warn you that you're gonna have to make sacrifices. But I guess that means different things to different people. Like giving up something you really want now for something you've wanted your whole life. Or spending less time on yourself so you can spend more time with someone you love. At some point, you might even have to give up your own sense of safety and well being. But after a while, it doesn't feel like you're giving up anything at all.
Mr. Winston: Hey, doc.
J.D.: You know what? Let's talk Superfudge.