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My Hypocritical Oath

‘My Hypocritical Oath’

Season 4, Episode 15 - Aired February 1, 2005

After J.D. meets an attractive bartender, Kylie (Chrystee Pharris), he inadvertently ends up agreeing to treat her boyfriend at the clinic. Meanwhile, Elliot stands up to Dr. Kelso over a patient, and Dr. Cox tries to avoid learning the score to the Lakers/Heat game when he's forced to work a night shift.

Quote from Turk

[As Turk sits on the counter giddily holding Carla's purse]
Dr. Kelso: What the hell are you doing?
Turk: I get to have sex.
Dr. Kelso: I hate this place.
Turk: [to a passing nurse] I get to have sex tonight!


Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] I guess all you can do is come back to work the next morning and hope that being a good guy pays off.
J.D.: What are you doing here?
Kylie: My girlfriend Tamyra from the club, she's also feeling a little sick, and you'll never guess what she has.
J.D.: Gonorrhea! I mean... gonorrhea. Kylie, I wanted to tell you so badly, but, you know, it's against the rules.
Kylie: You can tell me now.
J.D.: Your boyfriend's a jerk.
Kylie: He's not my boyfriend.

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