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Sebastien Raine

‘Sebastien Raine’

Season 3, Episode 10 - Aired March 14, 2017

Moira agrees to be photographed by an ex-lover of David's. Meanwhile, Alexis volunteers with Ted at a senior center, and Johnny joins Bob's poker game.

Quote from Moira

Moira: Sebastien, I was under the impression that you were here just for today for a quick consult- [shutter clicks] Hey! What are you doing?
Sebastien Raine: Sorry, it's the way the light is catching you. The photo took itself.
Moira: Ah, but you had to push the button. Sebastien don't, please. This is my talk now, shoot later look. So, this visage is off-limits for- For the moment. Plea-


Quote from Moira

Moira: Okay, I was wondering when we do the actual shoot, um, are we thinking studio or on location? Because I bet Mr. Schnabel would love to loan us the Palazzo.
Sebastien Raine: [shutter clicks] Yes! Okay.
Moira: As long as you can still hear me. I was also thinking Berlin.

Quote from Moira

David: Nice day with Sebastien?
Moira: Very productive. I think we've laid the groundwork for an exciting enterprise.
David: I'm sure you'll be a wonderful subject.
Moira: Oh, thank you, sweetheart. Today was more about discussing theme, and tone, and mise-en-scene.

Quote from Moira

Moira: You know, he may have taken a few reference photos, but...
David: So he photographed you today then?
Moira: Hmm-hm. You know just a few dozens snaps about town picturettes, really.
David: Why would you have allowed this to happen?
Moira: I don't know. He just started shooting. Aand shouting. And I did what he told me to do and I "leaned in" to the moment.
David: How did that work out for you?
Moira: I leaned in! I don't know, David. Why don't you try it sometime!

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: This is actually very cute. Although I did think that there would be more of them.
Ted: Yeah, well there used to be, but you know...
Alexis: Oh, okay, but these ones actually smell like very clean, like baby powder.
Ted: Yeah, I think it's probably better if you call the girls by their names.

Quote from Johnny

Johnny: I don't think it's an accident that Bob keeps winning.
Roland: What are you talking about?
Johnny: Haven't you noticed how Gwen circles the table with appetizers, constantly eyeing Bob, and then he lays down a big fat bet and wins?
Ronnie: You know, come to think of it, those matching visors they're a little suspicious.
Ray: I don't want to believe this, but, uh, I do miss my wristwatch.

Quote from Johnny

Johnny: So Bob, we were just talking about how delicious the food is and you know the only thing missing is...
Roland: Gwen's gotta go!
Johnny: I think what Roland is saying is if she could maybe go to the store to perhaps pick up some a little more...
Bob: Kosher?
Ray: And halal.
Bob: Gwen, you called it!
Johnny: Yeah. Sure. Sure. That would do it.
Ronnie: Yeah and some gluten-free options, for the ladies.

Quote from Roland

Bob: Oh, gosh, I'm sorry I didn't think of this. But you know, maybe maybe Roland could go? He's running pretty low on chips.
Roland: Sure. I can drive.
Johnny: I don't think you want to drive, Roland.
Roland: I don't mind. I love driving.
Johnny: I don't think you do.
Roland: Yeah, I don't love driving. Not at night. No! And I'm drunk.

Quote from David

Sebastien Raine: So I had a prolific day with your mother today.
David: Yes, she said.
Sebastien Raine: Very excited about the shoot. The photos are really haunting.
David: Haunting. Sure she'd be thrilled about that adjective.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Um, okay Joan, I'm probably wrong, but I feel like the other ladies are very un-soothed by the fact that I'm here.
Joan: Oh, they are, but don't worry. It's just that we've just all grown very fond of Ted.
Alexis: Oh, well we're not dating. But I do understand that old women can get very possessive about young- younger...

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