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Sebastien Raine

‘Sebastien Raine’

Season 3, Episode 10 - Aired March 14, 2017

Moira agrees to be photographed by an ex-lover of David's. Meanwhile, Alexis volunteers with Ted at a senior center, and Johnny joins Bob's poker game.

Quote from David

Moira: David?!
David: Um, yes, Sebastien and I just had some um, stuff that we needed to talk about.
Moira: Well, I'm having a hard time landing on surprise or betrayal.
David: Yeah, I should probably go. So...
Moira: Give me the memory card, Sebastien.
Sebastien Raine: Moira, I'm scared for us.
David: Oh, you mean this memory card? Yeah, I'd give it back, but I don't think it'll be of much use to you. It accidentally fell out of your camera into my hand last night. And then fell out of my hand into my drink. And then I stepped on it a lot. So... It was really good to see you, Sebastien. Good luck with the rest of this project.


Quote from Bob

Roland: Okay, folks, we're going to start with something a little different tonight. The game is called crazy eights. And the diamond shaped things are wild.
Ronnie: Roland, shush.
Johnny: Well, I'm just glad we're back here again, and that we could put all that unpleasantness behind us.
Ronnie: Gwen, these Teriyaki meatballs they're delicious.
Johnny: Wow and those sliders look incredible.
Bob: Those aren't for you.

Quote from Moira

Moira: Yeah. I hate to play contrarian, David, but The Times and I both consider Sebastien Raine a dear friend.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Does Dot have arthritis? Because it looks like she's giving me the finger.
Joan: Well, she has arthritis, but not in that hand.

Quote from Moira

Moira: Family! I have exciting news! Oh, good. David, I hoped you were home.
Alexis: Thanks.

Quote from Moira

Moira: Sebastien Raine wants to collaborate on a project. With me. And you know his commitment to his work. He's willing to come all the way here. When flying me to New York would be a lot easier.And a welcome escape. But Sebastien Raine puts his subjects first. And he told me I must respect that.
David: Okay. You know what? I don't care. So you can do whatever you like.
Moira: I could cancel, but you just told me you don't care so now I have no choice but to meet him.

Quote from Stevie

Sebastien Raine: You look really... Healthy.
David: Thanks.
Sebastien Raine: I can't believe this is where you live. I think you're brave.
Stevie: Hi. Stevie. I like your sweater.
Sebastien Raine: You must be David's girlfriend.
Stevie: No. No, I own the motel, so that makes me more like your landlord?
David: No, it doesn't.
Sebastien Raine: Stevie, Stevie. Stevie. I'd love to Polaroid you naked one day.
Stevie: Okay.

Quote from Moira

Moira: Is this place not funny? I think it might just be one of my favourite local dives.
Sebastien Raine: I love it. It's just so unassertive.
Moira: Well, you can't find this in New York City.
Sebastien Raine: New York misses you, Moira.
Moira: [sighs] You're too kind. And correct.

Quote from Moira

Moira: Tell me things, Sebastien. Tell me everything!
Sebastien Raine: Well, I just got back from London. I was touring with Madonna. She commissioned a series of anti-portraits.
Moira: Whoa. Well, it sounds brilliant.
Sebastien Raine: I want to do something even more brilliant with you, Moira. Come, let's walk. Creativity lives on its feet. Anything else is bullshit.
Moira: I just ordered you a Sanka-ccino. [taking Sebastien's hand] It's a beautiful day.
Sebastien Raine: And you're a beautiful subject.
Moira: Sebastian, I must insist you stop with the flattery. In due time.

Quote from Alexis

Ted: What is this?
Alexis: Um, nothing. It just says that I work here.
Ted: Uh-huh. This is for volunteer hours. But you don't volunteer here. You work here.
Alexis: But, I volunteer to work here.
Ted: Because it's your job.
Alexis: Okay but, I need these hours to graduate so...
Ted: So looks like you're gonna have to find somewhere to volunteer.
Alexis: Okay. It's just, I thought my community service hours would apply but they don't count because their court-ordered. So...
Ted: Yeah, I think the whole point of volunteering is to give something back, right?
Alexis: Okay. Sure. But whatever I give back has to happen within two weeks.

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