Leslie Knope Quote #989

Quote from Leslie Knope in Ms. Knope Goes to Washington

Kate: They say it will pass, but we'll only get $400 million instead of $900 million.
Ben: Kate works at the Pentagon and Lacey works for Eric Cantor.
Kate: What do you do, Leslie?
Leslie Knope: I was just recently elected. I'm a councilwoman.
Lacey: Local government is so important. My grandma's on the city council in her town. Gives her a reason to leave the house.
Kate: Where did you say you were from?
Leslie Knope: It's called Pawnee.
Lacey: Pawnee, Missouri? Oh, my. That is so random. I've been there. Totally cute.
Leslie Knope: Pawnee, Indiana. Pawnee, Missouri, is a total craphole.


 ‘Ms. Knope Goes to Washington’ Quotes

Quote from Ron Swanson

Ranger Patrick: Hey, Ron. You're not going to slaughter that pig here, are you?
Ron Swanson: Not to worry. I have a permit.
Ranger Patrick: This just says, "I can do what I want."
Ron Swanson: I am the director of the Parks Department, and this is a park.
Ranger Patrick: It's not a Parks thing. It's against, like, three laws and a dozen health codes.
Ron Swanson: Fine. Barbecue is postponed until I can go pick up some meat from the Food 'n' Stuff. Let's go, Tom. No, pig Tom. [Donna laughs]

Quote from Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson: Okay, let's begin the barbecue.
Chris: Oh, hey, little guy. What are you doing? Oh, no.
Ron Swanson: Everyone, meet your meat.
All: No!
Tom: Why are you doing this to us?
Ron Swanson: Well, in my opinion, not enough people have looked their dinner in the eyes and considered the circle of life. This is your dinner. His name is Tom.
Donna: [laughs] Burn.
Tom: Seriously?
Ron Swanson: I understand that it's hilarious, but that is his given, Christian name. Tom is very smart and incredibly loyal. He's basically a dog. A dog we're going to cook, chew, and swallow.
Ann: Dude, there's kids around here.
Ron Swanson: Good point. Which one of you youngsters wants to help me drain the blood from this animal? If you do a good job, I'll give you the bladder. You can blow it up for a fun play ball.

Quote from Tom

Donna: Where is Swanson?
Tom: Man, I'm hungry. My legs are tired. It feels like I just exercised.
Jerry: Just sit on the ground.
Tom: No, Jerry. It's dirty, and I'm wearing my summer linens.
Ann: God, you're such a baby. Look, I brought a picnic blanket from your house.
Tom: That's not a picnic blanket. That's a Merino wool throw for my Eames chair!