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A Father's Love

‘A Father's Love’

Season 2, Episode 13 -  Aired January 15, 2013

Nick's father, Walt Miller (guest star Dennis Farina), comes to town with a scheme. Meanwhile, Schmidt and Robby team up to try win Cece back.

Quote from Jess

Walt Miller: Do you think he's really angry at me?
Jess: I think you need to talk to him.
Walt Miller: All I'm looking for is a second chance. You don't happen to believe in second chances, do you, Blue Eyes?
Jess: Actually, I, um... I'm a bit of a sucker for second chances. They're my first favorite kind of chance.
Walt Miller: Have you ever been to the racetrack?


Quote from Jess

Walt Miller: Nicky only had one dream when he was a kid to own a family horse.
Jess: That is so surprising 'cause it just doesn't seem like... Nick hates living things, so, like, it just doesn't really seem like in line with what I know about him.
Walt Miller: All right, look... I want to buy a horse.
Jess: Uh-huh.
Walt Miller: For me and Nick to own together.
Jess: Oh!
Walt Miller: I found this beautiful horse. Gorgeous!
Jess: Right.
Walt Miller: Me and you are gonna talk the guy down.
Jess: I don't know how to do that.
Walt Miller: I'll take care of that.
Jess: Okay.

Quote from Jess

Walt Miller: Hey-ya, Dusty.
Dusty: [limps away] Aw, ya gotta be kidding me! How'd he find me?
Jess: Who was that?
Walt Miller: Eh, don't worry about him. What do you know about horses?
Jess: I know they're big.
Walt Miller: Perfect.

Quote from Jess

Jess: He had this whole thing ... he was gonna name the horse "A Father's Love" 'cause you guys always wanted to have a horse together.
Nick: Tell me you didn't give him money.
Jess: Actually, actually, that's a funny story because I'm actually an investor in... [groans] God! God!

Quote from Winston

Walt Miller: Dusty, I see you and we're doing this right now.
Dusty: No, no, no, no, no...!
Walt Miller: Dusty!
Winston: We got your back, Pop-Pop. Damn, Pop-Pop, man.
Nick: [takes Winston's hat] Give me that.
Winston: Okay, okay, okay! Father, we got your back, Father.

Quote from Nick

Nick: Dad, she will believe anything.
Jess: That's not true, Nick.
Nick: My real name is Jamil.
Jess: It is?
Nick: No, my name is not Jamil!
Jess: Nick, that was not fair.
Nick: It is Nick, you know that!
Jess: You told me in confidence.
Nick: How could you think my name was Jamil?
Jess: Well, he's weird.
Nick: That's a good point.

Quote from Nick

Walt Miller: Just wait for one hour. You see, I go meet the buyer, I sell them our horse for a huge profit, and because these suckers think our horse is Big Brown's nephew, they'll overpay. Blue Eyes gets her money back with interest.
Nick: Sounds like a great plan. We'll come with you. And I'll watch you give Jess her money back. Yeah!
Walt Miller: Please, please, don't do this to me.
Nick: We're doing it.
Walt Miller: No, no, you... You don't understand, you're not a sales guy, okay? He... he starts to sweat.
Jess: Nick only sweats if there's lying involved. And there's not lying involved, is there?
Nick: We're coming with, Dad.

Quote from Jess

Nick: I'm ready for this. This is good.
Jess: This is really exciting. This is my first middle of the night parking lot horse deal.

Quote from Nick

Walt Miller: Eh, I'm good. You?
Buyer 1: I'm good. Just getting over a little cold.
Walt Miller: Yeah, I get a little agita myself every once in a while.
Nick: Hey, what's going on, everybody? How you guys doing? Nice to see you. This is my dad; I'm Nick. Cool half-turtleneck. How you doing, fellas?
Buyer 1: Good. Just getting over a little cold.
Nick: Good.

Quote from Nick

Buyer 1: He makes the white?
Walt Miller: This horse is more semen than he is horse. [all laugh]
Nick: That's disgusting.
Buyer 2: Good. We want semen.
Nick: Well, you guys are gonna get semen. You'll get a bunch of horse semen. Wait until it's next to a lady horse. Trust me.

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