Adrian Monk Quote #184

Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk and the Red-Headed Stranger

Lieutenant Disher: Monk, listen. This is big. In fact, this could be the big one. We have a suspect inside. It's Willie Nelson.
Adrian Monk: The Red-headed Stranger?
Lieutenant Disher: The press hasn't got wind of it yet, so just...
Adrian Monk: Can l- Can l- Can I talk to him?
Sharona: You like Willie Nelson?
Adrian Monk: Are you surprised?
Sharona: Well, yeah. It's just so so normal.


 ‘Mr. Monk and the Red-Headed Stranger’ Quotes

Quote from Benjy Fleming

Benjy: Did you really meet a blind lady?
Sharona: Yeah.
Benjy: Does she have a dog?
Sharona: No, she had a cane.
Benjy: Hey, maybe I can interview her for that report I have to do on people with disabilities.
Sharona: Wait. I thought you were gonna write about...
Benjy: It only has to be two pages. Mr. Monk is a whole book.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: So, I'm the killer. You're Sonny Cross. Okay, I'm hiding. There is so much garbage back here.
Sharona: Oh, please.
Adrian Monk: Okay, here I am. I'm hiding. You walk up the alley. I jump out. I step up to you and bang!
Sharona: Ow! Why am I always the victim?
Adrian Monk: Because the victim usually ends up on the ground in-in the dirt, and I'm... I'm me.

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Lieutenant Disher: [over radio] We're on foot, heading south towards Prospect.
Woman: Description?
Lieutenant Disher: He's wearing gray sneakers.
Woman: Is there anything else?
Lieutenant Disher: He's not Jewish!