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Mr. Monk Goes to the Dentist

‘Mr. Monk Goes to the Dentist’

Season 4, Episode 15 - Aired March 10, 2006

After Lieutenant Disher goes to the dentist to have a tooth extracted, he is sure the dentist and hygienist killed somebody while he was under anesthetic.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Captain Stottlemeyer: You and Monk were there, right? Did you notice anything?
Adrian Monk: No, I wasn't really on my game. I have this thing about dentists. Kroger calls it a supermegaphobia. If germs are here and snakes are here, the dentists are... You see that branch up there? The second one from the top? The one above that one.


Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Lieutenant Disher: [sings] I'm tired of sucking up And I'm tired of sucking up and working for the man Keeping people down 'cause the law says I can Cuff my brothers and sisters that's not the way to be But honey those days are gone Cause baby I am free I don't need a badge to tell me wrong from right I don't need a badge to tell me day from night I don't need a badge because my eyes can see I don't need a badge 'cause baby I am free.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: Mr. Monk, this is Randy we're talking about. He would do anything for you.
Adrian Monk: And I would do anything for him except this, Natalie. I can't do it. I have a thing about dentists.
Natalie: You have a thing about everything.
Adrian Monk: That's true, but dentists are in a separate category altogether, okay? I can't even discuss it. I can't even think about discussing it. I can't even talk about thinking about discussing it.
Natalie: Okay, Mr. Monk, everybody's afraid of dentists.
Adrian Monk: Not like this. Not like this.
Natalie: Okay, okay, okay. How afraid are you? On a scale of 1 to 10.
Adrian Monk: Ha, 10? I am so far beyond 10, I laugh at your 10s. I lie awake at night dreaming about 10s. The chair and the probing and the drilling and the rinsing.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: Oh, highlights for children. Oh, find the hidden picture. I used to love these. Where is the egg beater?
Adrian Monk: It's under the sled.
Natalie: You're right.
Adrian Monk: And the umbrella is in the cloud above the snowman. And the fish is next to the ice skate.
Natalie: Okay, how are you doing that?
Adrian Monk: I read that same issue 35 years ago. It was in the... It was in the dentist's office.

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Lieutenant Disher: [whimpers]
Natalie: God, I just heard one of those guys was about to get married. [Disher sobs] Randy? I know, I know, it's heartbreaking. They were so young. Sweetie, it's okay to cry. It means you have a heart. Here, look at me. You're a compassionate person. That's nothing to be ashamed of.
Lieutenant Disher: It hurts.
Natalie: I know. I know it hurts. You don't want anybody to see you? I understand. You know what? If anyone says anything, we'll just say that you, uh...
Lieutenant Disher: My tooth, oh...
Natalie: Yeah, perfect, that you have a toothache.
Lieutenant Disher: Oh, God. God, this hurts.
Natalie: Okay, I think that's overdoing it.
Lieutenant Disher: Oh, please, Jesus, somebody just shoot me.
Natalie: Randy, no one's gonna believe that.

Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer

Natalie: You're checking out the dentist?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Yeah, I figured it couldn't hurt to check him out.
Natalie: You're doing this for Randy, aren't you? Why don't you just call him?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Because he quit. Randy is an adult. He made a decision and I respect it.
Natalie: You miss him, I can tell.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Look, Natalie, it's not like we were going steady, okay? We worked together. He was just another cop.
Natalie: That is not true.
Captain Stottlemeyer: You're right, it's not true. He's not just another cop, he was the single most annoying human being to ever wear a badge. [Monk gargles mouthwash] Present company excepted.

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Lieutenant Disher: [sings on music video] I don't need a gun to make me feel strong I don't need a captain shoot me down all day long I don't need your mustache don't you condescend to me I don't need nobody 'cause baby I am free No I don't need nobody baby I am free
Natalie: Wow, that had some good energy.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Yeah, a lot of energy. Let's watch it again sometime.
Lieutenant Disher: It doesn't matter. I mean, the band broke up anyway. We couldn't agree on anything. Name, what kind of music to play, or whether or not I should shut up.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: Okay, Mr. Monk, what do you do when you get a cavity?
Adrian Monk: I don't get a cavity. I don't get cavities. I brush my teeth 12 times a day and I floss every 90 minutes.
Natalie: So you've never been to a dentist.
Adrian Monk: Once, when I was 12.
Natalie: How'd that go?
Adrian Monk: Not well.

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Lieutenant Disher: Okay, you guys, let's try this new one. I printed up some lyric sheets.
Chad: Why do we need lyric sheets? You're the only one singing.
Lieutenant Disher: Just so you can follow along. So you know what it's about. We're making a statement.
Aaron: We are?
Lieutenant Disher: Okay, let's do it, from the top. A five, six, seven, eight.
Brendan: Whoa, whoa, whoa! What was that?
Lieutenant Disher: Counting off.
Brendan: Five, six, seven, eight? That's for dancing.
Lieutenant Disher: No, it's not.
Brendan: You're supposed to go, "one, two, three, four."
Lieutenant Disher: Come on, what's the difference?
Brendan: It's rock 'n roll, man.

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Lieutenant Disher: Hey, guys, guys, why don't we just stick to the original material, okay? I mean, that's what the people wanna hear.
Aaron: What people? Randy, we're in my stepfather's garage.
Lieutenant Disher: Well, Aaron, there might be people one day. I mean, touring, record deal? Come on, guys, wasn't that the dream?
Brendan: Maybe 17 years ago in 12th grade?
Lieutenant Disher: Well, you know what? I still believe in the dream. I mean, I believe in the Randy Disher Project. Come on, I quit my job for this.
Chad: Big mistake.
Lieutenant Disher: All right, let's just do it, okay? From the top.
Brendan: If you say "five, six, seven, eight" again, I quit. I'm just telling you.

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