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Mr. Monk and the Really, Really Dead Guy

‘Mr. Monk and the Really, Really Dead Guy’

Season 5, Episode 15 - Aired February 23, 2007

When a street musician is murdered in six gruesome ways, Monk and the SFPD are sidelined by tech-savvy FBI agents searching for a serial killer.

Quote from Dr. Kroger

Dr. Kroger: You know, you're like John Henry: Man versus the machine. You know that song?
Adrian Monk: No.
Dr. Kroger: Oh, I was, um... I was in a folk singing group in college. We always used to end each show singing that song. You never heard it? [sings] When John Henry was a little baby He sat on his momma's knee He picked up a hammer, a piece of steel Said hammer will be the death of me Lord! Lord! Hammer will be the death of me Yes!
Adrian Monk: Well... Okay, okay then. Thank you.
Dr. Kroger: Adrian, the point is that he was a steel driver. There was a big contest between John Henry and the big, new, modern steam drill, and John Henry won.
Adrian Monk: He- He did?
Dr. Kroger: He won, yes. I mean, absolutely. That's why I'm telling you this. He won, he was a hero. Everybody loved him. God, I just loved it when everybody joined in on that last verse.
Adrian Monk: Really?
Dr. Kroger: [sings] When John Henry was hammering that mountain Mountain was spitting fire He worked so hard that he broke his heart Laid down his hammer and he died Lord! Lord! He laid down his hammer And he died.
Adrian Monk: So, he- He died?
Dr. Kroger: Yeah, I guess he did. Oh, no, no, no, in this version. You know, there were a lot of versions.
Adrian Monk: I think our time is up.
Dr. Kroger: No, it's not. No, it's only 20 after.
Adrian Monk: I think our time is up.


Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: [computer beeps] Hey! Sorry, I got- I got mail. Bigger what, guaranteed?

Quote from Natalie

Lieutenant Disher: [yawns] 1:30. Guess these things never happen on schedule.
Natalie: I was up anyway.
Lieutenant Disher: Julie sick?
Natalie: No, I was just waiting for a call. Met a guy who works for United. He said he'd call me when he lands.
Lieutenant Disher: Mmm. Pilot.
Natalie: Co-pilot.
Lieutenant Disher: Eh.
Natalie: What?
Lieutenant Disher: Second in command. No real responsibility. Not quite the same thing, is it?
Natalie: Isn't that what you are?

Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer

[As Disher sings his song "I Don't Need a Badge" as a street performer]
Captain Stottlemeyer: There's a flaw in your plan.
Agent Thorpe: What's that?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Well, the first person that attacks him might not necessarily be your serial killer. It might be me.

Quote from Dr. Kroger

Dr. Kroger: You know, Adrian, I think that this is your way of keeping your mind clear. So that you can focus on what's really important. Adrian, let's not forget you've put a lot of very dangerous people behind bars without the use of a computer. Your mind is amazing. No, no, really. You make connections and leaps intuitively. No machine could ever do that. You know, maybe a computer would just slow you down.
Adrian Monk: Maybe you're right.

Quote from Natalie

Captain Stottlemeyer: We can't help you unless we know what's going on. Can I see the file? Thank you. What's the cause of death?
Medical Examiner: Blunt force trauma to the back of the cranium.
Natalie: Oh, no.
Medical Examiner: Plus a small puncture injected with poison.
Natalie: Oh, no.
Medical Examiner: Plus signs of petechial hemorrhaging and suffocation.
Natalie: Oh, no.
Medical Examiner: Plus two gunshot wounds, four stab wounds, and a tire track across the upper torso.
Lieutenant Disher: So the cause of death was...
Medical Examiner: Pretty much everything.
Natalie: Why?
Agent Thorpe: That, Ms. Teeger, is the question. That's why I'm here.

Quote from Natalie

Medical Examiner: Here it is.
Captain Stottlemeyer: What the hell is that? These shiny little flecks.
Lieutenant Disher: Are those flower petals?
Captain Stottlemeyer: I don't know.
Natalie: It's a gold leaf cake!
Captain Stottlemeyer: What?
Natalie: They use real rose petals and flecks of gold. I had it once at this restaurant called Justine's. They call it the world's most romantic dessert. Looked better on the plate.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Was it him? Call him back.
Natalie: It's a private number! Why didn't you answer it?
Adrian Monk: I couldn't. I don't know how.
Natalie: Mr. Monk, that was important to me. How could you not know about cell phones? Everybody has a cell phone! How do you function in the world?
Adrian Monk: I don't. Did you wash your hands?

Quote from Adrian Monk

Agent Thorpe: We have less than 30 hours before he strikes again. Every second counts. That's why I've divided the strike force. Stottlemeyer and his group are at the secondary location where the body was found.
Adrian Monk: I can't find my seatbelt.
Natalie: Here. Maybe it's under the seat.
Agent Thorpe: Mr. Monk, are you listening?
Adrian Monk: Yeah, I'm with you. 30 hours to go. Every second counts.
Agent Thorpe: That is correct. I read your file. You appear to be a first-rate crime scene analyst. Those skills could come in handy.
Adrian Monk: Here it is! Oh, no. False alarm.
Agent Thorpe: Mr. Monk, we're looking for the primary location where the murder actually took place. The victim's clothes, covered with DNA and microscopic trace evidence.
Natalie: So we're going to a crime lab?
Agent Keao: Ms. Teeger, you're in a crime lab. This is the most advanced forensics laboratory in North America. Gas chromatograph, mass spectrometer, a continuous digital uplink to FBI facilities in Quantico.
Adrian Monk: That's great-- I can't find my seatbelt.
Agent Thorpe: You don't need a seatbelt! This thing is built like a tank.
Adrian Monk: Yeah, here's the thing-- I feel better if I'm strapped in. I could fall out and bump my head. It's very dangerous.
Natalie: I have a seatbelt. All right, let's switch. [they swap seats]
Agent Keao: Aren't you worried about her?
Adrian Monk: No, she's fine. Is there a shoulder strap? I'm used to dual restraints.

Quote from Julie Teeger

Julie Teeger: You better come back here. There's a lot more to learn.
Adrian Monk: Is there?
Julie Teeger: Let's set you up an email account. It's so that your friend-- Um, so my mom can send you messages. Okay, you need a screen name. Mister...
Adrian Monk: Monk.
Julie Teeger: Uh-huh. And now you need your secret password.
Adrian Monk: Yeah. ... "Trudy."
Julie Teeger: Well, you know, everybody will probably guess that. Let's think of something else. [Monk is silent] Okay, let's go "Trudy". There you go. You're online.
Adrian Monk: Whoa, I'm on the Web! The World Wide Web.
Julie Teeger: Welcome to 1998, Mr. Monk.

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