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Mr. Monk and the Daredevil

‘Mr. Monk and the Daredevil’

Season 6, Episode 7 - Aired August 24, 2007

Monk can't make sense of the world when Harold Krenshaw is unmasked as a skyscraper-scaling daredevil called the Frisco Fly.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: Wait, you guys. You're not gonna believe what I just heard on the radio. I've got some weird news, and some really weird news and some really, really, really weird news. What do you want first?
Lieutenant Disher: Uh, I guess the weird news.
Natalie: Okay, you know the Frisco Fly, the daredevil? He was just climbing Telegraph Tower and he fell off.
Adrian Monk: Hmm.
Captain Stottlemeyer: And what's the really weird news?
Natalie: He's okay. It's a miracle. He hit a flagpole and two awnings on the way down.
Adrian Monk: What's the really, really, really... What's the last one?
Natalie: It's Harold Krenshaw. He's the Frisco Fly. [guys laugh] What?


Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: Harold Krenshaw.
Nurse: Friend or family?
Adrian Monk: Neither. We have the same therapist.
Natalie: They're very good friends. They just don't like to admit it.
Nurse: Room 312.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Sylvia: Oh, do me a favor. Tell him Sylvia said thank you for the autograph. My nieces loved it. My family can't believe I actually met the Frisco Fly. I can't believe it.
Natalie: How is he doing?
Nurse: Oh, much better. I was here when they brought him in. At first, he kept denying he was the Frisco Fly.
Adrian Monk: Really?
Sylvia: Yeah. Modest and brave. If I wasn't married.

Quote from Harold Krenshaw

Clarissa Krenshaw: Oh, honey, look at this. It's from Evel Knievel.
Harold Krenshaw: I- I still can't find my glasses.
Clarissa Krenshaw: Okay, I'll read it. It says "Harold, you are the man. P.S. Next time, check your damn parachute." [all laugh]
Harold Krenshaw: Oh, oh. Evel. What a character.

Quote from Harold Krenshaw

Journalist: Jimmy, how do you feel? Are you proud of your dad?
Jimmy Krenshaw: I am now. I used to be kind of embarrassed. I could hear him downstairs, crying and cursing all night. But now I know what he was really doing. Planning his next big stunt. I love you, Dad.
Harold Krenshaw: I love you, too.

Quote from Harold Krenshaw

Clarissa Krenshaw: Oh, Harold, your cousin joey's here.
Joey Krenshaw: Harry. How are you feeling, cuz?
Harold Krenshaw: Fine.
Joey Krenshaw: Uncle Ronnie couldn't make it. He's not doing too well.
Harold Krenshaw: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know.
Journalist: Who's uncle Ronnie?
Joey Krenshaw: Last of the original Krenshaws. He owns a dude ranch in Nevada. About a thousand acres. Me and Harry used to go down every summer.
Journalist: What was Harold like as a kid?
Joey Krenshaw: This guy? He was indestructible, and that's a fact. Me and uncle Ronnie used to throw him off the roof, then down the stairs, then off the dock. Remember?
Harold Krenshaw: Yeah.
Joey Krenshaw: Yeah, me and uncle Ronnie was just goofing off, but for Harold, I guess it was practice!

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: Mr. Monk. Mr. Monk.
Adrian Monk: It couldn't be him.
Natalie: He fell off a building. There were 50 witnesses.
Adrian Monk: I know it was him. Of course it was him. [hits away balloons] But it couldn't be him.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Man #1: Excuse me. You were up there? Yeah, is he okay? Cause we heard he broke, like, seven ribs.
Adrian Monk: Yeah. What he broke was at least seven city ordinances.
Man #2: The cops won't press charges. They wouldn't dare. He's a real-life hero.
Man #1: He's a hero.
Adrian Monk: He is not a hero! What is wrong with you people? I mean, he fell, right? A daredevil basically has one job: Not falling. I mean, I could fall. I bet I could fall a hundred stories if I tried.
Man #2: Why don't you, man? In fact, I'd be glad to help.
Natalie: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?
Man #1: Now, don't hurt him. Hey, ask yourself, what would Harold do?
Adrian Monk: Yeah, I hate to tell you this. I've known Harold Krenshaw for 31/2 years, and he is a lot of things, but he is not the Frisco Flyer.
Man #1: Oh, yeah, man? Well, we were there. We saw him fall, so how do you explain that? We saw him fall.

Quote from Natalie

Natalie: Okay. What happened to the dummy? If somebody threw it off the roof, where'd it go? Okay, what about the real Frisco Fly? He would have contacted the press by now.
Adrian Monk: Here's all I know. Harold Krenshaw was never on this roof. There is no way.
Natalie: Eyeglasses. They look like Harold's. He said he lost his, remember?
Adrian Monk: They couldn't be.
Natalie: They're engraved. Look. "H.K."
Adrian Monk: Oh, my God. It really was him.
Natalie: Wait. Mr. Monk, this is good news. This should inspire you. If Harold Krenshaw can overcome his fears, then you can too.
Adrian Monk: [groans]
Natalie: Sure you can! I'll help you. We'll do it together.

Quote from Natalie

Adrian Monk: [mumbles] Is this how Harold Krenshaw did it?
Natalie: Excuse me?
Adrian Monk: Is this how Harold Krenshaw did it?
Natalie: Why, I don't know, Mr. Monk. But yeah, probably. Something like this.
Julie Teeger: You know what? Soon you'll be climbing skyscrapers!
Adrian Monk: Wh- What?
Natalie: Oh, no. We're not even gonna think about that right now. We're just going to concentrate on one thing, okay? Uh, baby steps, okay? Little baby steps. Here you go. Baby step.
Adrian Monk: Baby steps!

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