Malcolm Quote #688

Quote from Malcolm in Halloween

Malcolm: Dad, I know you're afraid, but you've gotta work through your fear. Because it leads to this, and this is insanity. I mean, okay, we live in a universe that we can't control or understand and that can be frightening, sometimes. I have fears, too. But the only way we can get through our lives is by tamping down those fears. Because if we don't try to explain things rationally, the world stops making any sense at all. [Jamie groans in the vent] Like that moan. We have to believe there's a perfectly logical explanation for it. We have to. [Jamie crawls out of the vent with his red-stained t-shirt over his head] Or that. It could mean whatever we want it to mean. The important thing is...
[As Malcolm screams as Jamie walks into the kitchen, Hal screams in response. Malcolm jumps through the window, breaking the glass. Hal goes to help Jamie.]
Malcolm: [o.s.] That was Jamie, wasn't it.
Hal: It sure was. You okay, buddy?


 ‘Halloween’ Quotes

Quote from Craig

Lois: Hey, hey, hey! What are these?
Karl: I must've knocked those in my pocket accidentally.
Lois: No, I saw you put them in your pocket. Craig, you saw him, too, didn't you?
Craig: Oh, sorry. The patch is over my good eye.
Lois: Well, I'm already into my break. You handle this, Craig, so I can get going.
Craig: Sure, no problem. [winks]
Lois: Did you just wink at him?
Craig: Oh, you were serious.
Lois: Craig, he committed a crime.
Craig: Sure, that's one side of it. But if he didn't steal from us, he'd just be stealing from somewhere else, and then we'd be losing a customer. Do you want to be responsible for that?

Quote from Lois

Lois: All right, you know the plan. You two are taking Jamie. No eggs, no stink bombs, no matches, no catapults, no Mace.
Reese: Fine.
Lois: No explosives.
Reese: Of course not.
Lois: No water balloons, no spray paint, no gasoline, no shaving cream, no toilet paper.
Reese: Wouldn't even think of it.
Lois: No ladder, no compressor, no soup.
Reese: You told her!
Dewey: I did not!
Lois: All right. I know your route. I will catch up with you when I take my break, to see how adorable and safe Jamie is.
Reese: So, um, any idea when that might be?
Lois: You don't need to know when. All you need to know is if you even think about doing anything stupid, I will swoop down out of the sky and land on you like a ton of bricks.
Dewey: So, the usual.

Quote from Hal

Hal: Lois, can I talk to you for a moment? You knew we were buying a death house, and you didn't tell me?!
Lois: I didn't tell you because I knew you'd have this reaction.
Hal: Well, of course I'd have this reaction. I don't like murder. Maybe that's something you should know about me.
Lois: Hal, it's always something with you. You passed on that one house because you thought the doorbell sounded gay. You can't have a perfect house.
Hal: It would be nice to have a murderless one.
Lois: Well, you should just drop it because there's nothing we can do about it. Death and mold are two things you can expect to find in any house, and we are not moving!
Hal: There's mold?!