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Quote from Malcolm in Halloween

Malcolm: Dad, I know you're afraid, but you've gotta work through your fear. Because it leads to this, and this is insanity. I mean, okay, we live in a universe that we can't control or understand and that can be frightening, sometimes. I have fears, too. But the only way we can get through our lives is by tamping down those fears. Because if we don't try to explain things rationally, the world stops making any sense at all. [Jamie groans in the vent] Like that moan. We have to believe there's a perfectly logical explanation for it. We have to. [Jamie crawls out of the vent with his red-stained t-shirt over his head] Or that. It could mean whatever we want it to mean. The important thing is...
[As Malcolm screams as Jamie walks into the kitchen, Hal screams in response. Malcolm jumps through the window, breaking the glass. Hal goes to help Jamie.]
Malcolm: [o.s.] That was Jamie, wasn't it.
Hal: It sure was. You okay, buddy?

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