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Weekend at Barney's

‘Weekend at Barney's’

Season 8, Episode 18 - Aired February 25, 2013

After Ted and Jeanette break up, Barney tries to help him meet someone else by using tricks from The Playbook, which Robin thought had been destroyed. Meanwhile, Marshall tries to support Lily at an art exhibit.

Quote from Ted

Marshall: Oh, my... What the hell happened here?
Ted: Jeanette and I had a little spat. Would anyone like some wine? It's a nice Cotes du Rhone. Still needs to breathe a bit. You know what? I got a decanter upstairs, so... [glass smashes] We should just drink it now.
Jeanette: And for the grand finale, I found your fireworks. Let's see what they do to your precious Playbook!
Ted: No! Jeanette, please, that's Barney's life's work!
Barney: It's fine, Ted. Blow it up, Jeanette.


Quote from Future Ted

Ted: Okay. No more dating. I'm ready to settle down.
Future Ted: [v.o.] And, kids... for the first time in my life, I really meant it.

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