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The Limo

‘The Limo’

Season 1, Episode 11 -  Aired December 19, 2005

On New Year's Eve 2005, Ted spends his bonus on a limo to take his friends to five parties before midnight in search of the perfect New Year's.

Quote from Ted

Moby: So then I say, "your motorcycle was like that when I got here."
Ted: You're not Moby, are you?
Moby: Who?
Robin: Moby, the recording artist. Moby.
Moby: No.
Barney: But when we said, "Hey, Moby," you said, "Yeah."
Moby: I thought you said "Tony."
Ted: So your name is Tony?
Moby: No.


Quote from Ted

Barney: Why did we think that guy was Moby?
Ted: I don't know. I see a short bald hipster, my mind goes straight to Moby.

Quote from Lily

Lily: [on the phone] Well, I'm here at party number three and... Oh, my God! Guess who just walked in... Moby!
Barney: Moby?! She's upstairs.
Ted: Lily, you have to get out of there this instant. That's not Moby.
Lily: Uh, no, I know Moby and that's Mo... Does he have a gun?
Ted: Run!

Quote from Barney

Barney: Well, after that rather un-psyching experience, you know what it's time for? It's time to... What? That's right, re-psych. Re-psy... Where's the...? Oh, my God! Not Moby took my "Get Psyched" mix!
Ted: Barney, Barney, Barney, it's not worth it! Let it go. We need to get back on schedule.

Quote from Marshall

Marshall: I knew I'd catch up with you guys eventually. So much to tell. I couldn't find Lily at party number three so I walked... I walked to the next party on the list.
Ted: Not Moby's party?
Marshall: Yes, Moby's party. Check it out. He signed my shirt. [Marshall reveals the back of his shirt, which has been signed "Eric"] And guess what I found. [holds up Barney's CD] Yeah, I heard it playing at the party, so I swiped it. Yeah, I know. Come on.

Quote from Ranjit

Lily: Natalya?
Barney: Yeah, it turns out she was asleep in the front seat the whole time. Ranjit, why didn't you tell me?
Ranjit: I didn't want to awake her. She looked so peaceful.
Ted: Party number five is 20 blocks away and all the way across town. Ranjit, can you get us there in eight minutes?
Ranjit: I get you there in six.
[cut to a traffic jam:]
Ranjit: I don't think I can do it.

Quote from Future Ted

Ted: Ranjit, put her in park. Dudes, I'm sure party number five is awesome, but it's not the best party in New York. 'Cause this is, right here.
Barney: Cheers. Well said.
All: Cheers.
Future Ted: [v.o.] And just like that, we were having the perfect New Year's Eve. The funny thing is all night long, I'd been trying to chase something down that was right there in that limo.

Quote from Future Ted

Future Ted: [v.o.] You probably want to feel bad for your old man at this point in the story. Well, don't. Not every night has a happy ending. But all of it's important. All of it was leading somewhere. Because suddenly, it was 2006. And 2006 was a big one.

Quote from Robin

Robin: Ted. What the hell, man? I thought we had a deal.
Ted: What about your guy? It's midnight. Go kiss him.
Robin: Eh, he kept me waiting. I can keep him waiting.
Ted: Well, a deal is a deal.
Robin: Mm-hmm. [kisses Ted] Happy New Year.
Ted: Happy New Year.

Quote from Barney

Lily: So, where are you from, Natalya?
Barney: Oh, who knows? The former Soviet Republic of Drunk-off-her-ass-istan?
Natalya: [laughs] Super drunk fantastic, huh?

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