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Challenge Accepted

‘Challenge Accepted’

Season 6, Episode 24 - Aired May 16, 2011

When Ted freaks out about his responsibility as The Arcadian is set to be demolished, Robin and Barney try to stop him from running back to Zoey. Meanwhile, Marshall is afraid he will soon be a victim of food poisoning after Lily falls ill.

Quote from Ranjit

Robin: I can't believe Ted's getting back together with Zoey.
Barney: I know, they're a total train wreck.
Robin: Unmitigated disaster.
Ranjit: Worst couple ever.


Quote from Ted

Robin: Wait a minute. On their first date, he brought her an orchid. How much do you want to bet he's gonna do it again?
Barney: Brilliant. But wait, he had a huge head start on us. No way he's still in there unless he spent an hour choosing an orchid.
Ted: [emerging from the florist] Thanks, Julia! [turns back] You know what? Let me see the pink lady slipper again.

Quote from Robin

Barney: You can't get back with Zoey over a lightbulb.
Ted: I'm not freaking out over a lightbulb! I'm freaking out over 50,000 lightbulbs! I can't do this! I only got this job because you gave it to me, Barney. I didn't earn it!
Robin: The future is scary. But you can't just run back to the past because it's familiar. Yes, it's tempting.
Barney: But... It's a mistake.
Ted: You're right.

Quote from Ted

Rod: Okay, hot shot. Mr. Stinson. Who's gonna do the honors?
Barney: He is.
Ted: You sure?
Barney: Yeah, you earned it.
Rod: All clear!
Ted: Hey, new is always better, right?
Barney: Always.
Rod: Ten, nine, eight...

Quote from Lily

Marshall: Lily, it's a miracle. I didn't get sick. I didn't get sick.
Lily: I know, baby. I'm pregnant.

Quote from Barney

Barney: Nora, how you been?
Nora: Fine.
Barney: Look, I don't know why you would possibly say yes to this, but, would you want to grab a cup of coffee with me sometime? 20 minutes. I was such a jerk to you. You can spend the entire time calling me every dirty name in the book.
Nora: I speak four languages. I'm gonna need more than 20 minutes.
Barney: I'll call you. You look beautiful, by the way. And here I thought it was too late for sundresses.
Nora: It's never too late, Barney.
Barney: Challenge accepted.

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