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Rebel Without Night Driving Privileges

‘Rebel Without Night Driving Privileges’

Season 7, Episode 23 -  Aired May 5, 1998

Randy is angry when he Tim and Jill tell him he can't drive at night after passing his test.

Quote from Tim

Heidi: Welcome back to Tool Time.
Tim: For those of you who just joined us, where the hell have you been?
Al: Well, we've already shown you how to run wire through a frame wall before the drywall is up.
Tim: Next, we'll show you how to run wire through an existing wall. Which can be tough. You'll find yourself in a very tight spot.
Al: Which Tim is very good at getting us into.
Tim: Well, Al is also good at getting into tight spots. You wedged yourself into those trousers, didn't you?


Quote from Al

Tim: Judy, welcome to the show.
Trudy: Thank you.
Tim: I understand you have a very unique way of running wire through tight spaces.
Trudy: That's right, Tim. I call it Judy's way.
Tim: Well, fascinating. Do you have a unique tool that you use?
Trudy: You betcha. Right here in Judy's tool box.
Tim: OK. Why don't you open it with Judy's hand?
Trudy: Oh, OK.
Tim: It's a rat.
Trudy: Yeah.
Tim: What do you call this?
Trudy: I call it Judy's rat.
Al: A welcome addition to any toolbox. Does he come in metric? [Trudy laughs]

Quote from Al

Trudy: I've also taught this little fella how to run wire through walls filled with asbestos. [the rat coughs]
Tim: Well, that would explain the cough, then, wouldn't it? Why don't we put the little electrician through his paces, OK? Judy'll put the rat in the opening up here.
Trudy: And then Tim is going to reward him with a piece of cheese at the bottom. You can see by the complexity of this wall, it'd be hard to do this by hand. That's where the rat comes in very handy. When he comes down to the bottom, we'll have a little wine and cheese party to celebrate, hmm?
Trudy: There we go.
Tim: All right. What's next?
Trudy: Oh, we need the cheese.
Tim: Heidi?
Heidi: Um, I left it on the work bench.
Al: Sorry.

Quote from Al

Trudy: It won't work without cheese, Tim.
Tim: I can motivate a rat. Watch this. We'll get him out. OK, come on. Go on down there. Put your hand down there. Come on. Ratty. Come on! Meow! Meow! Psst! Psst! [groans]
Al: What's the matter, Tim?
Tim: Judy's rat bit Tim's nose.
Trudy: Judy has a confession to make. Judy's rat doesn't know how to wire this wall because it's really not Judy's rat.
Tim: What?
Trudy: And I'm not really Judy.
Tim: Well, who are you?
Trudy: I'm Judy's sister Trudy. I just wanted to meet Al.

Quote from Mark

Jill: Hey, guys. What's up?
Mark: Well, the bass player in Ronny's band quit, so I'm taking his place.
Jill: Hey, that's wonderful. Well, except you don't know how to play.
Mark: Didn't stop the last guy. Besides, Ronny's teaching me.
Jill: What do you play in the band?
Mark: Ronny's our singer.
Ronny: Yeah.
Jill: You know, that makes a lot of sense. Because normally you're kind of a quiet and private person. And I'll bet that when you're on stage, that allows you to open up emotionally and connect with the audience.
Ronny: No.
Mark: Come on, Ronny. Let's play.

Quote from Tim

Tim: I see Randy's not back from his driver's test.
Jill: Yeah, and I've been thinking...
Tim: Oh, no.
Jill: I still think that we shouldn't let him drive at night for a while.
Tim: You take away his night-driving privileges, that's humiliating. You might as well just put him in a dress and give him a bus pass.

Quote from Brad

Brad: Yeah, I'm glad I took him. You know, It brought back a lot of old great memories from when I started driving. I'm proud of you, kid.
Randy: Thanks, Pops.

Quote from Tim

Randy: This is great. I can't believe I actually have my license.
Jill: You know, Randy, your father and I wanna talk to you about that.
Randy: I know, I know. Buckle up, drive slow, and always yield to a classic car.
Tim: Uh, actually, there's more.
Randy: Well, could you make it quick? I'm taking Lauren out for dinner and a drive up to Grosse Pointe.
Tim: That's great. That's great. You know what might be an even greater idea is you drive up there during the day. You check it out, so if you ever got there at night, you'd know that night would be a little darker, so you'd have to do... The darkness would be different than the day...

Quote from Jill

Jill: What your father is trying to say is we're uncomfortable with you driving at night.
Randy: Oh, don't worry. I'll be fine. The car's got headlights, Mom.
Jill: No, honey, honey, you don't understand. You see, we are so uncomfortable that in order to alleviate our discomfort, we're not gonna let you do it.
Randy: What?! Dad!
Tim: I'm in total agreement with your mom on this. It's just for a short time.
Jill: Yeah, a month.
Tim & Randy: A month?!
Tim: I thought we were thinking about a week.
Jill: You might have thought that, but what we meant was a month.

Quote from Tim

Brad: How was the PTA meeting?
Tim: Great. Me and the metal-shop teacher heckled the principal the entire time.
Jill: Yeah. God, I was so proud.

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