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Feud for Thought

‘Feud for Thought’

Season 3, Episode 11 - Aired December 1, 1993

When Jill attends her 20 year high school reunion, she tries to avoid her former best friend, Joanie (Lee Garlington), who stole her boyfriend. Meanwhile, Al looks after the boys.

Quote from Tim

Tim: I thought you hated your high school.
Jill: I loved this high school. I hated Joanie Graham.
Tim: Well, Joanie the phony could be there. You wanna risk it?
Jill: I don't care if she is there. She kept me away from my high-school prom. She's not gonna keep me away from my reunion. You know what? I hope that she comes. I hope she comes and brings whatever-his-name-was.
Tim: Oh, yeah. The guy that dumped you for her. Jack. Jack.
Jill: I know his name was Jack. You think I forgot his name was Jack? Practically ruined my whole senior year. Everybody in the school knew that my best friend was seeing my boyfriend, except me.
Tim: So you want to fly to DC to be mocked and humiliated? I could do that right here.


Quote from Tim

Leslie: Jill? Jill Patterson, give me an "A,"
Jill & Leslie: ...give me a "D," give me an "A, M, S." Adams! Adams! You're the best!
Leslie: Yes!
Tim: [to the hotel clerk] It's gonna be... [deep voice] a very long weekend.

Quote from Jill

Leslie: It is so good to see you, Jill.
Jill: Oh, you too. I have absolutely no idea who you are.
Leslie: Leslie Morrison. We were co-captains of the cheerleading squad.
Jill: Leslie, you look fabulous! Not that you didn't look fabulous before, but you just look even more fabulous now.
Leslie: It's because of my nose. I got a new one.
Jill: Oh, it's a beauty! Oh, oh. Tim, this is Leslie Morrison. This is my husband Tim.
Tim: Nose to meet you. I mean... Nice honker.

Quote from Jill

Jill: Oh, no. She's here.
Tim: Who?
Jill: Joanie Graham, the boyfriend stealer.
Tim: What are you doing?
Jill: I don't want her to see me.
Tim: Well, honey... I thought you didn't care.
Jill: I didn't think I did, until I saw her little weasely face. Now I just want to get out of here and go home.
Tim: All right. I'll call a cab, get the bags.
Jill: Tim! I came all this way to see my friends. Are you just gonna let me leave?
Tim: That's what you just asked me to do.
Jill: Well, what I want you to do is be supportive.
Tim: How do you want me to do that?
Jill: Just shut up!

Quote from Jill

Jill: They just told us that we have to check in at the reunion committee. Maybe we'll see you around a little bit later.
Joanie: OK. Well, I hope so, 'cause I'd really love to sit and talk with you about some things.
Jill: Oh, hey, hey. Not necessary. It's water under the bridge. I mean, who comes to a reunion to talk about the past?
Joanie: Well, Jill... I mean, we did go through a lot together.
Jill: Well, yeah, but... that was, like, 20 years ago, you know? I mean, I don't even remember the name of the guy that came between us.
Tim: Jack. It was Jack.

Quote from Tim

Jill: So you think that I should just forgive and forget?
Tim: Yes. Forgive and forget. It was 20 years ago. The way I look at it, Joanie did you a big favor.
Jill: How's that?
Tim: Well, she married Jack, who's probably fat and bald, and you ended up marrying the manliest man in Michigan.
Jill: That's true.
Tim: Yeah. We'll have a good time.
Jill: Jack.
Jack: Jill!
Tim: went up the hill.

Quote from Tim

Jack: You look great!
Jill: So do you. Really great. Oh, Jack, this is my husband, um...
Tim: Tim.

Quote from Randy

Al: Randy, it's time for your antibiotics. Randy? Randy! Randy, what are you doing?
Randy: Al, I've been stuck in the house for five days.
Al: I know, but your bronchitis is gonna flare up. Let's go inside. Come on. Let's go. Randy!
Randy: Al, what happened to you? You used to be so cool. Now you're like Mom with a beard.

Quote from Jill

Joanie: Do you have any kids?
Jill: Yeah, we have three boys.
Joanie: Three... Oh, my... Do you have pictures? I would love to see them.
Jill: OK. Um... Let's see. There.
Joanie: Oh, they're so cute! Look at them! They're darling! Who's the guy behind the fence? You can't see his face.
Jill: Oh, that's Wilson. That's our neighbor.

Quote from Jill

Jill: Gosh. They seem so grown-up.
Joanie: Yeah, uh... Katie is 16 and Jack Junior... is 20.
Jill: 20?
Joanie: Yeah. Uh... when we graduated... Uh...
Jill: What?
Joanie: I was two months pregnant.
Jill: I... I don't know what to say. I just can't believe that I never heard about that.
Joanie: Jill, nobody ever heard about that. We never meant for it to happen that way. Jack and I fell in love and I never knew how to tell you.
Jill: Well, yeah. I mean, I can see how it would have been hard to call me and say, "Guess what. I'm in love with your boyfriend and I'm having his baby."
Joanie: I never could find that appropriate greeting card.

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