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Lorelai Out of Water

‘Lorelai Out of Water’

Season 3, Episode 12 - Aired January 28, 2003

Lorelai agrees to go fishing with her new date Alex. Meanwhile, Paris tries to have Rory impeached on the student body.

Quote from Paris

Hanlin Charleston: Now, I'd like to know what is actually driving this recent rash of infighting. Oh, goody, I get to guess. Let's see, perhaps you're arguing over the same boy?
Paris: Sure, we're girls, so we could only be arguing about a boy, right? Sexist, white-haired...
Hanlin Charleston: Paris, are you muttering?
Paris: No, sorry.


Quote from Lorelai

Luke: Let's go.
Lorelai: Hello, sailor, bait your hook for you?
Luke: You look ridiculous.
Lorelai: I look adorable. No one ever told me that if you fish, you get to buy an outfit. I'll do just about anything if I can buy an outfit.
Luke: I'll just let that go by because we have a lot to do here.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Aw, they're so cute. Hello, hi boys. And look, they're all "ooh" like they're singing in a little trout choir.
Luke: I wouldn't get too attached.
Lorelai: Hi, Gomer.
Luke: There you go.
Lorelai: Oh, don't be scared Pinky.
Luke: And now there's Pinky.
Lorelai: Pinky Dowdy from fourth grade. See her eyes darting back and forth, all panicked? She got that way from dodge ball. It's okay, Pinky, nobody's gonna hurt you. Hey Pete, stop crowding Pinky. It's okay, Pinky, just go over there behind Cheryl.

Quote from Rory

Alex: Your mom's never been fishing before, has she?
Rory: Oh, no, she's a well-seasoned fish killer.
Alex: Uh-huh. I made lunch reservations at the Shahaela Lodge and Spa afterward. Think she'll like that?
Rory: She'll love that.
Alex: Good. Go back to sleep.

Quote from Lane

Lane: Min Cha put up with seven years of Wan Nam telling her she was stupid and ordering her to cook all his meals. Then one day, he was in the kitchen looking for his lunch and she just snapped. Took a carrot peeler and turned on him.
Rory: A carrot peeler?
Lane: You can get those things pretty sharp. Anyway, she just came at him and started peeling. The neighbors called the police. They showed up and Wan Nam was just standing there all peeled.
Rory: What happened?
Lane: He didn't press charges, but now he makes all his own meals, sleeps in a locked separate room, and keeps the cutting board by his bed for protection. Still married, though.
Rory: Wow.
Lane: Everybody's still married. It's like a factory system here. They all come to the weddings, find a spouse, get married and stay that way 'til they die.
Rory: They mate for life, like the loons.

Quote from Lane

Lane: I can't go to the prom with Young Chui.
Mrs. Kim: Why not? I thought you wanted to go to the prom.
Lane: Yes, I do wanna go to the prom.
Mrs. Kim: I thought you say I could approve the boy you go to the prom with.
Lane: I did say that, but...
Mrs. Kim: Well, I found the boy, I approve the boy, now you go to the prom with the boy.
Lorelai: Mama, I'm sure Young Chui's very nice and I'm so grateful you're letting me go to the prom, but the thing is... I like someone else.
Mrs. Kim: Someone else?
Lane: Yes.
Mrs. Kim: Someone else who?
Lane: Someone else who's been a good friend to this family. Who's proven himself to be of high moral character, someone who you yourself feels is worthy. So worthy, in fact, you let him sit in our pew at church.
Mrs. Kim: Who- Who did I let sit in our pew?
Lane: Dave Rygalski.
Mrs. Kim: The guitar player?
Lane: I know, crazy, right? I can hardly believe it myself because, to be quite honest with you, when I first met him, when you hired him to play at Thanksgiving, I just didn't like him at all. He bugged me, actually. But the more you liked him and trusted him, the more I saw the good in him, the God in him, actually, and now I'm convinced... he's the boy I want to take me to prom.
Mrs. Kim: He's not Korean. [exits]

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Isn't she cute?
Rory: What happened?
Lorelai: The cork fell off my hook and Jayne Mansfield over here bit.
Rory: Jayne Mansfield?
Lorelai: Not the brightest fish in the pond, but she's awfully pretty.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: You caught a fish.
Lorelai: Yes.
Rory: And you brought it home.
Lorelai: Yes.
Rory: How are you gonna take a bath?
Lorelai: I don't know.
Rory: How long is it gonna live?
Lorelai: Hard to say.
Rory: What are you gonna feed it?
Lorelai: See, this is why I don't fish.
Rory: She is kinda cute.
Lorelai: And she has a great tail swish.

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