‘I Am Kayak, Hear Me Roar’
Season 7, Episode 15 - Aired February 20, 2007
Emily struggles to take care of things as Richard returns home and resists being put on a healthy diet. Lorelai is nervous about telling her parents she and Christopher split up.
Quote from Emily
Francette: Mr. Gilmore's light bulb is bothering him.
Emily: I'm sorry, is that some sort of nurse code?
Francette: The 60-watt bulb on his bedside lamp is apparently casting a harsh glare on the television.
Emily: Well, then, get him another light bulb.
Francette: It's just not my job.
Emily: Then get Francette to do it.
Francette: I am Francette.
Quote from Richard
Emily: It's miso, Richard. It's good for you.
Richard: Soup. Stefan! Stefan! Soup is not a meal, nor is a salad. Soup and salad are either precursors to a meal or addenda.
Emily: Richard, please. [doorbell rings]
Richard: Soup and salad is not a meal.
Emily: We have salmon if you want salmon.
Richard: I don't want salmon. For heaven's sakes, I don't want salmon. What I would like is a proper meal.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: Hi. I come bearing drugs.
Emily: Please don't bellow that.
Lorelai: Bellow what, "drugs"?!
Quote from Richard
Lorelai: How's Dad doing?
Emily: He's just fine.
Richard: [o.s.] I swear you can get better food in an airplane. I haven't been in a submarine, but I'll wager the food is better there, too.
Emily: It's an adjustment.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: I can make something for dad.
Emily: Oh, please.
Lorelai: I can make toast, if the conditions are ideal.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: Mom, Christopher and I split up.
Emily: Okay. I hardly know what to say.
Lorelai: Really? That's great. You don't have to say anything at all. Now or ever.