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Back in the Saddle Again

‘Back in the Saddle Again’

Season 2, Episode 18 - Aired April 23, 2002

Rory asks her grandfather to be an advisor to her business study group when they create a consumer product for a contest. Dean tries desperately to spend time with Rory as she keeps bailing on him. Meanwhile, Michele's mother (Janet Hubert) visits Stars Hollow.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: This is a business project and the word "business" has been taboo in that house since he left the firm. Asking him might remind him of that and upset him.
Lorelai: Or he'll be thrilled that you thought of him.
Rory: You're not saying that because you don't want to do it?
Lorelai: No, I really think he would enjoy helping you. Then I wouldn't have to feel guilty about being so reluctant to help you out myself.
Rory: All right, I'll give it a shot.
Lorelai: Good girl.
Rory: Would you really have felt guilty?
Lorelai: No, but I would have felt guilty about not feeling guilty and that could go on forever.
Rory: Miss Gilmore in the vicious circle.


Quote from Richard

Rory: Hey, Grandpa.
Richard: Rory, this is a surprise.
Rory: Well, I was just in the area, and I thought I'd pay a call.
Richard: How very Continental of you. I would hug you, but I have various forms of viscous fluid on my clothing.

Quote from Michel

Gisele Gerard: I wanted to buy presents before I see you. I know you are a materialistic vulture. All right, back up. Thank God I have the perfect son. If you had been ugly, I don't know what I would have done.
Michel: Boarding school?
Gisele Gerard: In Switzerland.
Michel: Lorelai, this is my mother, Giselle.
Lorelai: It's very nice to meet you.
Gisele Gerard: Oh, my God, those eyes, are they real?
Lorelai: Yes, they are.
Gisele Gerard: Well, if there's a God, He is terribly cruel to bestow those eyes and that face to one person.
Lorelai: I'm sorry, can you be my mom, too?

Quote from Michel

Michel: I'm going to show her around, okay?
Lorelai: Oh, make sure you see Sookie.
Michel: Why?
Lorelai: Sookie says she wants to meet your mom.
Gisele Gerard: Yes, Michel, I must meet your friends. I did not raise you to be rude.
Michel: You did too.
Gisele Gerard: No, I didn't. Come, show me off.
Michel: Have you been using those free weights I sent you?
Gisele Gerard: Yes, they hold down my papers beautifully.
Michel: Lazy, silly woman.
Gisele Gerard: Cruel and vicious boy.

Quote from Richard

Richard: And that is how you intend to set the business world on its ear?
Paris: That's right.
Richard: Tricked-out first-aid kits.
Paris: For the locker.
Richard: And you really think that's going to work.
Paris: Yes. I do.
Richard: So do I.
Paris: Really?
Richard: It's perfect. It's simple, it's easy to produce. The possibilities are endless. I love it.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: See? Did your brilliant mother call it or what?
Rory: Yes, she did.
Lorelai: You're damn lucky to have that magnificent woman in your life, you know that don't you?
Rory: It's whispered in my ear every night as I'm about to go to sleep.
Lorelai: Well, you won't let me write it in your underwear anymore.

Quote from Lorelai

Gisele Gerard: I will miss him so much when I go home. But thank goodness, he will have an extra five pounds to remember me by after eating all my pasta today, that dirty, thieving boy.
Lorelai: Michel ate pasta?
Gisele Gerard: Why, yes, Michel loves pasta. He eats it all the time.
Lorelai: Not around us. Here it's all no-carb, low-cal. "Let me see if I can eat less than the lab rats do."
Gisele Gerard: Lab rats?
Lorelai: Better not explained. Anyway, I'm glad you got him eating pasta. He seems really happy.

Quote from Michel

Michel: Coffee.
Gisele Gerard: This is horrible.
Michel: You will drink it and like it.
Gisele Gerard: You are a curse.
Michel: Let's go shop.
Gisele Gerard: Yes, let's go buy something completely useless and pay way too much money for it.
Michel: I love it.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: It was awful. He looked so upset. His face was turning red and he was practically shaking.
Lorelai: Hey, did you notice when he gets mad he gets taller?
Rory: Mom.
Lorelai: I don't know how but he actually grows!
Rory: Stop.
Lorelai: The day I told him I was pregnant, 24-feet tall.

Quote from Richard

Emily: Richard, what- Put that roll down and explain yourself.
Richard: This whole week, this whole experience with Rory and the locker first-aid kit- That is a damn good idea, by the way no matter what those yarn-heads at that school of yours say. Anyway, this whole week made me realize something: I don't want to be retired.
Emily: You what?
Richard: I don't like it. I hate it, as a matter of fact.
Lorelai: But, Dad-
Richard: It's boring. I have absolutely no idea what to do with myself. And frankly, I am tired of trying to find something to fill up my time.
Rory: So what are you going to do?
Richard: I'm going to work.

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