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Sliding Frasiers

‘Sliding Frasiers’

Season 8, Episode 13 - Aired February 13, 2001

Feeling down about being single ahead of Valentine's Day, Frasier decides to try speed dating. Meanwhile, Daphe and Niles plan to treat each other on their first Valentine's Day as a couple.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: All right, if you must know, I'm just about to leave for something called a "speed date."
Roz: What's a speed date?
Frasier: Well, apparently it's the latest thing. Twelve men and twelve women get together in a room. They spend eight minutes talking to one other and then move on to the next person after a bell rings. Basically, it's all the stress and humiliation of a blind date times twelve.


Quote from Niles

Frasier: I'm just so tired of being surrounded by happy couples, I just thought I should do something a bit more proactive.
Roz: You wouldn't be talking about Niles and Daphne, would you?
Frasier: Oh, among others. Believe me, no one could be happier for Niles than I, but there are days when his lovesick swain act wears the tiniest bit thin.
[Niles enters wearing a white t-shirt which features a heart-shaped image of him and Daphne]
Niles: Hello, all. Notice anything different?
Roz: I like it.
Niles: Thank you. I've never worn an undergarment in public before.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Here's an idea. What if put the sweater under the jacket? Then I'll get the best of both worlds.
Niles: Honestly, Frasier, could you be more self-absorbed? Goodbye, Roz. If you want to know more about our trip, we'll have pictures on our website when we get back.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Oh, I'm sorry. Pardon me. Say, don't you work at KACL?
Mike: Yeah, I just started. Mike Schafer.
Frasier: Oh, hi, Mike. Frasier Crane. Have you met Roz Doyle?
Mike: No.
Frasier: Oh, you are new, aren't you?

Quote from Frasier

Monica: You know, you're not the first guy I've sent to the emergency room.
Frasier: Ah.
Monica: When I was ten my brother fell off my handlebars and broke his foot. Then, in art school, a pottery wheel got away from me and sort of rolled down some stairs and I broke one guy's knee and another guy's hip.
Frasier: I suppose after that you went on a kiln spree.

Quote from Frasier

Judy: Hey, have you heard about the new pirate movie? It's rated "Aarr!"
Frasier: Yes. That's very droll.
Judy: Get it? Aarr.
Frasier: Yes, I do.
Judy: That's sort of my test joke, you know, to see if a guy's cool or not? Can you believe you're the first guy here who laughed? I mean, can't you just see it: a pirate walks into a movie theater, he's got his eye patch and his peg leg and... [a bell dings] Oh, boy, that did not feel like eight minutes.
Frasier: Indeed it did not.

Quote from Frasier

Martin: Hey, Fras. How did that speed date thing go?
Frasier: It could not have been worse.
Martin: That's nice.
Frasier: You're not listening, Dad.
Martin: Oh, I'm sorry, Son. Well, you get any phone numbers?
Frasier: No, but if I ever want to track any of them down, I can always write them, care of... the bottom of the barrel.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Daphne? Are you planning on using cumin in this recipe?
Daphne: Yeah, the recipe calls for lots of it.
Frasier: Oh, lord, Niles is terribly allergic to cumin.
Daphne: Oh, dear. I knew about the scallops. And the nutmeg, the oat bran, wheat germ, carob, parchment mites...
Frasier: Yes, yes, I know. He tried to wearing an allergy tag, but his neck was too weak to support it.

Quote from Martin

Martin: Did you see that? The character in this movie just dialed the phone and at the exact same time, our phone rang. It's like Montgomery Cliff's calling me.
Frasier: Yes, that's fascinating, Dad.

Quote from Daphne

Daphne: Could you give me a hand here?
Frasier: Well, I would, except I sprained my shoulder.
Martin: Bullet in the hip.
Daphne: You still have one good arm, Dr. Crane.
Frasier: The doctor told me to take it easy. Oh, I met a girl today!
Daphne: Yeah, so did she.

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