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Head Game

‘Head Game’

Season 4, Episode 5 -  Aired November 12, 1996

When Niles fills in for Frasier on the radio show, a professional sports player who is appearing on Bulldog's show turns to him for advice.

Quote from Daphne

Daphne: You know, according to this article...
Martin: No, quiet! That's 3 seconds. Come on. He's camping out in the middle. No, don't double the ball, they'll just sling it around for a three. There it is, just like I said! Ohhhh! Oh, time out. Sure, now you listen to me. Can you believe this? Two minutes ago we were up six points, now-
Daphne: Quiet! This is my favorite commercial. No, don't pick that floor cleaner. It'll give your floors waxy build-up! No, don't do it. Don't do it. D'oh!
Martin: It's completely different.


Quote from Roz

Linda: "And now we're at the point where all communication has broken down. He won't even listen to me."
Niles: Linda-
Linda: "Do you know how annoying that is, not to be listened to?
Niles: Linda-
Linda: "It's driving me crazy. I was hoping maybe you would speak to him directly."
Niles: Excuse me one moment. [presses the cough button] Thank you for the brilliant job of call screening, Roz. How do I get out of this?
Roz: Did you ever think of saying you've other callers on the line?
Niles: [back on air] Linda, I'd love to go into this in more depth but unfortunately we're nearly out of time and Roz has lots of other callers waiting anxiously on the line.
Roz: Actually, Dr. Crane, all lines are open!

Quote from Roz

Niles: Oh, well Seattle, I'm afraid we're out of time. This is Dr. Niles Crane. One down, four to go. See you tomorrow! [to Roz] That little bit of sabotage was not amusing.
Roz: Then why did coffee come out of my nose?

Quote from Niles

Bulldog: Hey, Dr. Doolittle. I heard your show. It didn't suck.
Niles: Ah. "Dear diary..."

Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: Okay, [blows whistle]. Both of you get out of here. I gotta set up for my show. I got Reggie McLemore on my show today. Don't ask me why.
Niles: I wasn't even going to ask who.
Roz: He's a guard for the Sonics.
Bulldog: He used to be unstoppable. 20 points a game easy. Now he's in the "tank." Just what I need on my show, a loser. Oh look, there he is now. What an overpaid, worthless piece of... [Reggie comes through the door] Hey, Reggie, my man!

Quote from Niles

Reggie: I need something fast. We got Phoenix tonight.
Niles: This is highly irregular, but since you're pressed there are some exercises I can suggest.
Reggie: Oh, great. Thanks, man. Hey, you know what, just name it. Tickets to any game you want.
Niles: There's nothing wrong with your sense of humor. Have a seat.

Quote from Roz

Roz: Can I ask you a favor?
Bulldog: Yeah, forget it. He's married.
Roz: Hey! That's pretty offensive. Why did you assume that's what I wanted?
Bulldog: Okay, then. What did you want?
Roz: Well, I don't know. I just wondered if...
Bulldog: Time's up. Oh, by the way, if you're so hungry for some good-looking athletic guy, why won't you go out with me?
Roz: Because if you're not at least this tall you can't go on this ride.

Quote from Niles

Bulldog: Pucker up, baby. I'm planting a big wet one on you!
Niles: Well, there's a layer of skin I'll be exfoliating this evening.

Quote from Roz

Bulldog: I had 200 bucks on the Sonics!
Niles: Two hundred? Isn't gambling illegal?
Bulldog: Isn't he the cutest?
Roz: Oh, yeah.

Quote from Niles

Roz: Look at these faxes that came for you.
Niles: Faxes? "Seattle thanks you." "You're the Sonics MVP." [gives Roz a questioning look]
Roz: Most Valuable Player.
Niles: Oh! "You're a genius." With the less common J spelling but still, his point is well taken.

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