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Quote from Roz in Head Game

Linda: "And now we're at the point where all communication has broken down. He won't even listen to me."
Niles: Linda-
Linda: "Do you know how annoying that is, not to be listened to?
Niles: Linda-
Linda: "It's driving me crazy. I was hoping maybe you would speak to him directly."
Niles: Excuse me one moment. [presses the cough button] Thank you for the brilliant job of call screening, Roz. How do I get out of this?
Roz: Did you ever think of saying you've other callers on the line?
Niles: [back on air] Linda, I'd love to go into this in more depth but unfortunately we're nearly out of time and Roz has lots of other callers waiting anxiously on the line.
Roz: Actually, Dr. Crane, all lines are open!

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