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Goodnight, Seattle

‘Goodnight, Seattle’

Season 11, Episode 23 - Aired May 13, 2004

After Charlotte leaves for Chicago, Frasier considers making a big career move. Meanwhile, Martin and Ronee get married, and Niles and Daphne welcome their child.

Quote from Martin

Niles: And, you will always remember your anniversary, because it's the same day as your grandson's birthday.
Martin: Yeah, and Eddie's.
Ronee: What?
Martin: Uh, never mind.
Ronee: Eddie's birthday is today? So that's how you came up with May 15th for the hotel?
Martin: Uh...
Ronee: I knew it! And you've been blaming the inn all this time. Oh, you are so busted. [exits]
Martin: That was a short honeymoon.


Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Hello, Lilith. Hey, it's me. Yeah, listen, I was just calling to check out how Freddy's doing. What, a new one? I thought he was smitten with the old one. Well, you know, he gets that from me. Back in my heyday, I had a new chess coach every month. [chuckles] Well, I'm spending a lot of time alone lately. Well, you know, Dad and Ronee are still on their honeymoon. Oh yes, they thank you for that very thankful radon detector you sent. Not seeing much of Niles and Daphne either, because they're so busy with the baby... Oh. Uh, sorry to keep you. Yeah, just, uh, just tell Freddy to call me. Okay, bye, Lilith.

Quote from Roz

Frasier: You? Roz, congratulations. Aren't you excited?
Roz: I don't know. It just hasn't sunk in yet.
Frasier: Well, that's understandable. I remember when I heard that my advice would be heard by millions of people and...
Roz: [yelling in excitement] It just sunk in. I'm the boss! Who wants to go have champagne?

Quote from Frasier

Roz: I don't like this.
Niles: Well, now, let's not get alarmed. It's marriage in the air and a new baby, it's just brought out his sentimental side.
Dr. Hanning: [on answer phone] Frasier, it's Dr. Hanning. I'm really sorry about your results. I know it doesn't look good but, um, I'm going to do everything I can for you. Call me.
Daphne: Oh my God...
Martin: Do you think that's why he brought us all here tonight?
Frasier: Here we are, Roz. I thought this art deco mirror seemed like you.
[Roz breaks down in tears]
Frasier: Well, that just shows you. I thought I'd get the bigger reaction from the chess set.

Quote from Frasier

Niles: Frasier, what's going on here?
Martin: Yeah, giving all your stuff away? You're not going anywhere, are you...?
Frasier: Well, I didn't want to say anything until after dinner so as not to bring down the party, but... [Roz groans] I see you're all ahead of me. Uh... listen, a couple of weeks ago I got some unexpected news.
[Niles begins to sob]
Frasier: Now you see, this is exactly what I was trying to avoid. You mustn't think of my leaving you as a sad thing, because I don't. I think of it as an adventure.
Daphne: [crying] Oh, Frasier, no....
Frasier: We all knew we weren't going to stay together forever. I mean, that's not what life is about. Cry, if you must, but I assure you, when I pass through that Golden Gate I will be smiling!
Martin: [choked up] Golden Gate?
Frasier: Yes! That's where I'm moving to! San Francisco!
Niles: What?
Frasier: My new job. I start next week. Now, don't just sit there choking back the tears. Go ahead, let them out.
[Everyone starts laughing]

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: You know, it's just an hour by plane, so I'll be coming back up as often as you like.
Martin: Oh, we know, Fras. Don't worry about us.
Niles: We're happy for you.
Frasier: I'm happy for myself. And scared, too. But it's a good scared. Sort of the way I felt when I came here from Boston. If I hadn't done that, just look at what I would have missed out on.

Quote from Martin

[Martin lays back in Frasier's Eames chair, which has replaced Martin's chair in front of the TV]
Martin: Mmm. Well, this is pretty comfortable. I would have been okay with this.

Quote from Martin

Martin: [admiring Niles' baby] Ah, handsome boy.
Niles: Yes. And to think I had myself all worked up worrying that we would have nothing in common.
Martin: Oh, I've been there, Niles. It all works out.

Quote from Roz

Ronee: Well, Marty, we better get going. I've got a crazy morning.
Roz: Me too. I've got a 7:30 meeting and then I've got to fire someone.
Daphne: Who?
Roz: Whoever scheduled the 7:30 meeting.

Quote from Frasier

Daphne: We should go too, honey.
Frasier: Oh, well, if you really must go, all right, but I tell you what, don't go without taking some of these éclairs with you. I'm on TV next week and the only thing worse than seeing them going to waste would be seeing them go to my waist.

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