Martin Quote #1385

Quote from Martin in Goodnight, Seattle

Niles: And, you will always remember your anniversary, because it's the same day as your grandson's birthday.
Martin: Yeah, and Eddie's.
Ronee: What?
Martin: Uh, never mind.
Ronee: Eddie's birthday is today? So that's how you came up with May 15th for the hotel?
Martin: Uh...
Ronee: I knew it! And you've been blaming the inn all this time. Oh, you are so busted. [exits]
Martin: That was a short honeymoon.


 ‘Goodnight, Seattle’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Man: Here to pick up a chair.
Frasier: Right. It's right there.
Man: Sorry I'm late.
Frasier: It's all right.
Man: Been waiting long?
Frasier: Eleven years. Uh, be careful with it.

Quote from Bebe

Bebe: Anyway, they want you to replace him and the money's huge.
Frasier: Poor Mark. What a ghastly way to die.
Bebe: Yes, I cried so hard it was all I could do to stuff your demo tape in the Fed-Ex pouch. But they want you!

Quote from Bebe

Frasier: Well, it's very tempting, Bebe, but I'm very happy here in Seattle. I don't want to leave.
Bebe: Darling, it's San Francisco. Do you know what life is like there for a good-looking straight man? You'll be like a Snickers bar at a fat camp!