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Goodnight, Seattle

‘Goodnight, Seattle’

Season 11, Episode 23 - Aired May 13, 2004

After Charlotte leaves for Chicago, Frasier considers making a big career move. Meanwhile, Martin and Ronee get married, and Niles and Daphne welcome their child.

Quote from Daphne

Daphne: Oh, move over, Roz. Do you know how many operas I'm gonna get dragged to now you're not around?
Frasier: Well, I promise I'll fly up for all the German ones.


Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Now, look. You all know how I feel about you, and the only reason I'm leaving is because I want what all of you have now, a new chapter. Who knows if it'll even work out? But it's like that Tennyson poem Mom had us recite for you when we were kids. Do you remember?
Martin: I think we're about to.
Frasier: "It may be that the gulfs will wash us down,
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And though we are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are..."

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: We had a big party that night. It was all very sweet.
Anne: What was that?
Frasier: Oh, good heavens. We've touched down.
Anne: Already? [laughs] Well, thank you so much, I've never had an easier flight.
Frasier: And I've never had more delightful company.
Anne: I think it's great what you're doing.
Frasier: Well, I just know I'd always regret it if I didn't take the chance.
Pilot: [v.o] Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to Chicago.
Frasier: Wish me luck.

Quote from Roz

Noel: You heard something, didn't you?
Roz: [dazed] Yeah.
Frasier: Roz, are you all right?
Gil: Of course not. She's ashen with terror. Spit it out, Roz. Who's the jack-booted tyrant whose fanny I'll be kissing till God knows when?
Roz: Me.
Gil: Joyful news, your majesty.

Quote from Kenny

Kenny: Where the hell is he?
Roz: I don't know. I called his cell, I called his house... You're going to have to go on for him.
Kenny: Me?
Roz: Yeah, you. Well, I'm not. Last time I did it, it was a total disaster!
Roz: Aren't you always saying you used to be a DJ?
Kenny: Oh, twenty years ago. I can't do that anymore!
Roz: Well, it better come back to you. You've got five seconds.
Kenny: I can't. I'm a nervous wreck. My palms are sweaty, my mouth is like cotton... [suddenly smooth talking] Hey, Emerald City, Kenny Daly here! Master of the Mike, Baron of the Booth, the Man of the Hour, too sweet to be sour! The doctor's out today, but Kenny's here, filling the seat, takin' the heat! I might even throw in a call or two to Grandma Gert. [old lady voice:] But no kids, I hate kids! Whoo-hoo, she's in a mood today!

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: You all right?
Anne: I hate flying.
Frasier: Just a little turbulence, we'll be through it in a minute. Mother of God!
Anne: This is so embarrassing. I mean, I treat people for this. I'm a psychiatrist.
Frasier: Well, there's a small world, I'm a psychiatrist too. Dr. Frasier Crane.
Anne: Ooh, I've heard your show. Dr. Anne Ranberg.
Frasier: Lovely to meet you.
Anne: Nice to meet you. Now, don't let me interrupt you. You seemed kinda deep in thought.
Frasier: Oh, I suppose I was. It's been a rather eventful three weeks for me.
Anne: Well, if you want to talk about it, it might get our minds off the flight.
Frasier: It's really rather personal... It's nothing you'd be interested in.
Anne: Okay, then.
[The plane is rocked by another jolt of turbulence]
Frasier: So I was dating this woman...

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: I'm sorry I have to rush off. I wish we could spend the whole day together.
Charlotte: I don't leave for Chicago until midnight. I'll, I'll come over and make you dinner.
Frasier: Oh that sounds great, I'd love that.
Charlotte: Any requests?
Frasier: Uh... I liked what I had for lunch.
Charlotte: Why don't I just surprise you?
Frasier: Still sounding like lunch.

Quote from Kenny

Kenny: Isn't that a great song, people? Really brings back the memories. Sorry I kinda forgot the words there in the middle. So let's toss it to the news.

Quote from Frasier

Kenny: Oh, thank God you're home, Doc. I'm going a little crazy, I need some advice.
Frasier: Kenny, we just put dinner on the table.
Kenny: Oh, thanks but I'm too worked up to eat. Doing your show today, I... I got the fever. I want to get back behind the mike. But should I quit my job, throw away my whole career and financial security just to chase some cock-a-mamie dream?
Frasier: Yes! Off you go.
Kenny: You didn't even have to think about it. You always believed in me, Doc.

Quote from Ronee

Martin: [calling] Ronee! While we're young.
Ronee: [enters] Too late.

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