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Quote from Frasier in Goodnight, Seattle

Roz: I don't like this.
Niles: Well, now, let's not get alarmed. It's marriage in the air and a new baby, it's just brought out his sentimental side.
Dr. Hanning: [on answer phone] Frasier, it's Dr. Hanning. I'm really sorry about your results. I know it doesn't look good but, um, I'm going to do everything I can for you. Call me.
Daphne: Oh my God...
Martin: Do you think that's why he brought us all here tonight?
Frasier: Here we are, Roz. I thought this art deco mirror seemed like you.
[Roz breaks down in tears]
Frasier: Well, that just shows you. I thought I'd get the bigger reaction from the chess set.

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