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Duke's, We Hardly Knew Ye

‘Duke's, We Hardly Knew Ye’

Season 2, Episode 5 -  Aired October 18, 1994

Frasier and Niles' excitement at a hot new investment turns to despair when they learn the company is knocking down Martin's favorite bar, Duke's.

Quote from Daphne

Daphne: Why is it so important this is our third date?
Frasier: Well, Daphne, sexual mores being what they are in America, the third date is usually the place where two healthy adults decide whether or not to ... take it to the next level.
Daphne: Excuse me?! What kind of a randy custom is that? First date, second date, whoops, let's all pitch our knickers?! The third date may mean that to you Americans, but it takes more than three dinners to get bangers and mash with Daphne Moon.


Quote from Frasier

Niles: You mean to say, you can look Dad in the eye, day after day, knowing you have destroyed his sanctuary, and not tell him? You can live with that?
Frasier: Niles, you're forgetting: I married Lilith, I can live with anything.

Quote from Niles

Martin: But that's life, huh? You move on. Only a fool tries to fight it.
[Niles rushes in]
Martin: What are you doing here?
Niles: I'm here to stop the demolition. What are you doing here?
Martin: We came to say goodbye.
Niles: You may not have to. I've alerted my lawyers. I intend to stand here and face down the bulldozers. I'm prepared to take this thing to the highest court in the land.
Frasier: Niles, you don't have to do that. I've had a discussion with Dad. He forgives us.
Martin: Sure, son, don't worry about it. It's okay.
Niles: Is it really okay? I think not! Because today it's Duke's, but tomorrow, it's Moe's. And the day after that, it's
Ernie's Tap Room. See, I'm not just here for you, Dad. I'm doing this for every little guy out there who found some
solace at the end of a hard day by bellying up at his neighborhood bar. I'm here to show faceless corporate
America they can't just walk in here without so much as a "How do you do" and shove the little guy aside. Even when I'm that faceless corporate America. I'm here to fight the good fight, to show those sniveling rat-faced heathens there's still some fury pounding in the heart of John Q. Public!
[A wrecking ball smashes through the window. Frasier and Martin beat a hasty retreat]
Niles: On the other hand, who am I to stand in the way of progress?

Quote from Daphne

Daphne: I'm going out with Derek again tonight, but I'm having trouble choosing a fragrance. I've got it pinned down to these two. "Heather" - fresh and bouncy as a spring morning, or "Forbidden" - your passport to erotic realms of pleasure.
Martin: How many times you been out with this guy?
Daphne: This is our third date.
Martin and Frasier: Forbidden.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: I wonder why now, after thirty years, he's suddenly inviting us down there.
Daphne: Cheerio.
Frasier: Daphne, Daphne. Has Dad said anything to you about us and Duke's? Has he been planning this?
Daphne: You mean ... behind your backs?
Niles: Precisely.
Daphne: No! What a couple of wallies! I mean, I have never met a family that worked so hard at being uncomfortable with each other. Could it be that he just wants to lift a pint with his sons?
Niles: No, Duke's is where Dad hangs up with his cop buddies. Where he goes to escape the stresses, strains and petty annoyances of everyday life.
Frasier: In other words, us.

Quote from Niles

Niles: Wow, that's the most fun I've ever seen him have without a remote control in his hands.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Thank you for your call, Lorraine. And now, before we break for a commercial, Roz has an important message. Roz? [Roz isn't in her booth] What's that, Roz? Can't come to the mike right now? Well, what she wanted to say was... Tomorrow, on Amber Edwards's "Book Chat," sociologist Lamont Myman discusses his book, "Violence in the Workplace: Why Co-Workers Kill." Something which becomes more relevant with each passing moment. We'll be right back after these messages.

Quote from Martin

Martin: Hey, I'm goin' down to Duke's. What are you guys doin'?
Frasier: Well, we're trying to find some place to eat.
Martin: Well, when you get through, why don't you swing by and have a beer with me?
Frasier: At Duke's?
Martin: Yeah.
Niles: Us?
Martin: Yeah.
Frasier: With you?
Martin: What am I speaking, Swahili? Yeah! You two. At Duke's. With me. A beer. If you want. Geez!

Quote from Niles

Niles: My, God, do you believe that?
Frasier: No. No one in the family's ever been invited to Duke's.
Niles: Not even Mother, and there were times she could be quite the old rummy.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Yeah, I know what it is to have a neighborhood bar. I remember the last time I walked out of my old watering hole back in Boston. It was a strangely emotional day.
Martin: It's the people, I guess. Saying goodbye to a lot of people.
Frasier: You know, Dad, just because you're saying goodbye to this place, doesn't mean you can't see your buddies just as much as you always did.
Martin: Yeah, it does.
Frasier: Yeah, you're right.

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