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Don Juan in Hell (Part 1)

‘Don Juan in Hell (Part 1)’

Season 9, Episode 1 -  Aired September 25, 2001

As the Cranes' holiday in Belize comes to an end, Frasier is still troubling over whether he should be with Claire or Lana.

Quote from Martin

Martin: Because you're crazy, that's why! Claire's perfect for you, but I like her, too. How many times does that happen?
Frasier: But what about Lana?
Martin: Oh, forget Lana. Stay with Claire. [monotone] Stay with Claire. Stay with Claire.
Frasier: Dad, I am not a lobster.


Quote from Daphne

Daphne: Who could blame you? I'm not sure about Claire either. God knows she has quite the fan club around here, but I think you can do much better. You'll know when you meet the right person. You'll feel it in your gut.
[A queasy Niles rushes into the airplane bathroom]

Quote from Roz

Kirby: Hey, Roz.
Roz: Kirby.
Kirby: It's been too long.
Roz: No, it hasn't.
Kirby: Or has it?
Roz: No.

Quote from Roz

Frasier: So, what brings you here?
Lana: Well, actually we just picked up the invitations for Kirby's graduation party.
Frasier: Oh.
Lana: Roz, you're invited too. After all, you motivated Kirby to study.
Roz: Well, no, Frasier was the one who helped him. I was just his last-minute prom date.
Lana: You were the prize that I kept my eyes on. And, uh, for your FYI, I'm cool for hanging out, just as "platatonic" friends, or whatever.
Lana: Um, Kirby, we should go if we're gonna pick up your inhaler.
Kirby: Thanks a lot, Mom! [to Roz] I only need it in the fall.

Quote from Frasier

Lana: Well, we'll see you at the party.
Frasier: Right.
Lana: Hey, Frasier, don't you be a stranger.
Frasier: Oh, no, I-I won't. Uh, don't you be a stranger, either. To me.

Quote from Roz

Roz: Let me guess. Lana in, Claire out.
Frasier: What, that? Oh, that was nothing. It's just, she merely caught me off guard. Don't go reading anything into that.
Roz: OK, if you say so. Listen, Frasier, I got to go.
Frasier: Oh, alright.
Roz: But let not... either us... be strangers... be.

Quote from Frasier

Guy: Yeah, thanks. Hey, do you give advice, you know, off the clock?
Frasier: Well, this isn't really a good time.
Guy: Well, because I've really gotten my life into a tangle.
Frasier: I'm sorry.
Guy: No, but, you see, I'm torn between these two women.
Frasier: I'm listening.
Guy: I'm with this woman, her name's Kathy. She's great. But the only problem is, I can't stop thinking about my ex. I mean, she was a real handful, but now that we're apart, I just miss her like crazy.
Frasier: Of course you do. And no matter how hard you try to focus on this new relationship, your mind keeps drifting back to her.
Guy: Exactly! I mean, I even have these, um...
Frasier: Dreams.
Guy: Yes! Wow, you're good. What should I do?
Frasier: Well, what are you thinking of doing?
Guy: Classic shrink response. Um, I'm thinking... do I really want to break things off with this woman?
Frasier: Who you thought was so perfect for you.
Guy: Okay, but how perfect could she be if I'm obsessing about another woman?
Frasier: That's the conundrum.
Guy: I know, but am I sure enough to break her heart?
Frasier: Especially when the rest of the family just loved her.
Guy: Yeah- No, they don't.
Frasier: All right. Stick with me, stick with me. It all boils down to this. Which of these two women do you see spending the rest of your life with?

Quote from Frasier

Guy: Well, I think it's pretty obvious what I have to do. What a relief. Thanks, Doc.
Frasier: Wait, wait. Let's go back. Just so I'm sure you're sure-
Guy: Yeah.
Frasier: Who are you picking?
Guy: My ex. I mean, if I'm really honest with myself, she's the one I love. As long as I stay with Kathy, I'm just being a jerk.
Frasier: Oh, well, to be fair, you have struggled with these issues.
Guy: No, I've really just been trying to have my cake and eat it too. [shakes his hand] Thanks, Dr. Crane. I know what I have to do now.

Quote from Martin

Daphne: I'm sorry I'm a little late. I'll start your lunch right away.
Martin: Oh, no need. Claire made the best deviled ham sandwich in the history of deviling.
Daphne: Oh, too bad. I missed her.
Martin: Mm. More good news. She's still here.

Quote from Martin

Claire: You know the secret to making fish jerky, don't you, Marty?
Martin: No idea.
Claire: Feed 'em coffee.
Martin: Feed 'em...? [laughs uproariously] That's terrific! You hear that, Daph?
Daphne: I'm standing right here.

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