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Don Juan in Hell (Part 2)

‘Don Juan in Hell (Part 2)’

Season 9, Episode 2 - Aired September 25, 2001

After breaking things off with Claire and inadvertently opening the door for Lana to get back with her ex-husband, Frasier wonders why he always ends up alone. A parade of women from his past help him to work through his issues.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: So that's it? All this work, just to find out that I have a fear of rejection?
Lilith: That's right.
Frasier: So I'm alone... because I'm afraid to be alone?!


Quote from Frasier

Martin: Guess it just wasn't meant to be.
Daphne: But don't give up. There's a lid for every pot.
Niles: Mmm, that's right. Good things come to those who wait.
Martin: And there are plenty of fish in the sea.
Frasier: Dear God. I will choke on another platitude! Please, can't you say something helpful for once?
Martin: Well, I'm sorry if the material isn't fresh anymore. It isn't easy coming up with happy talk every time you can't make it work with a woman.
Frasier: "Every time I can't make it work with a woman"?
Martin: That's right. We wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't blown it with Claire!
Frasier: Is that so?! [to Niles and Daphne] Do you all feel this way?
Daphne: I'll clear.
Niles: I'll help. [Niles and Daphne leave for the kitchen]
Frasier: I see. My own family has turned on me in my darkest hour. After a day of personal torment, I stagger homeward chapfallen... [Martin gives up and walks away] in search of comfort in the bosom of my family, but do they indulge me and permit me to suckle? No, instead they... [seeing nobody around] Well, I've said my piece.

Quote from Frasier

Diane: Don't feel too bad. You'll always have us. Isn't that right, girls?
Frasier: All right, wait a minute. That's it! That's my problem. You are always there. I have carried you with me throughout every relationship, on every date. You pick apart every woman I care about and you remind me how much it'll hurt if I open myself up. You don't help me. You hold me back. How will I ever move forward if I don't put you behind me...?
[Frasier turns around and finds the women are all gone. He is alone at last.]

Quote from Frasier

Lilith: It's that quest for perfection which ultimately defeats you, because the perfect woman does not exist.
Hester: [o.s.] Speak for yourself!
[The late Hester Crane appears behind Frasier]
Frasier: Mother.
Hester: For such a short trip, you sure brought a lot of baggage.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Lilith, will you please be quiet. Mother is speaking.
Hester: So, a lifetime of collecting women and this is the cream of the crop: the slacker, the barmaid, and the icicle. I was so relieved when they left you.
Diane: You left him, too.
Hester: Oh, I had no choice. Perhaps you heard? I died. Now, let's get down to work, shall we?
Lilith: We were doing perfectly well before you got here.
Hester: Well, if your bargain-basement psychiatry was so effective, why did he have to call in the big guns?

Quote from Lilith

Frasier: [to Hester] What are you doing here?
Lilith: You have to ask? You're a Freudian.
Hester: You've spent your whole life trying to replace me, but it's completely understandable. I was your first love.
Lilith: Ladies, meet the competition. This is the woman against whom we have all been measured.

Quote from Lilith

Frasier: "Every time I can't make it work with a woman". What the hell does he know?
Lilith: [o.s.] He's not wrong, Frasier.
[A wider shot reveals Lilith sitting in the previously unoccupied passenger seat of Frasier's car]
Frasier: Yes, he is. It wasn't that I couldn't make it work with Lana. I simply stepped aside when the father of her children showed up, like the decent human being I am.
Lilith: And, speaking on behalf of your subconscious, because you realized the relationship was destined to fail.
Frasier: And why would that be? Lana could've been perfect for me.
Lilith: Is that just something you say out of habit now?

Quote from Frasier

Lilith: Because two weeks ago the title belonged to Claire.
Frasier: Claire was perfect. I just wasn't in love with her. The heart has a mind of its own, they say.
Lilith: Or perhaps she wasn't needy enough for you. You have been known to love a project.
Frasier: Oh, please. I have never found neediness to be an attractive quality in a woman.
[Another wide shot now reveals Diane Chambers to be in the rear of the car]
Diane: Never?
Frasier: Never. Neediness was the very reason it didn't work with Diane. Specifically, her need... for another man.

Quote from Lilith

Lilith: But you were attracted to her initially because her weakness allowed you to play the role of noble rescuer.
Diane: Excuse me, I have to object to the word "weakness." I was challenging, yet vulnerable, which is why Frasier saw me as the perfect woman for him, still does.
Frasier: I do not.
Diane: Then why am I in the car?
Frasier: Perhaps you represent a happier time in my life.
Lilith: [scoffs]

Quote from Frasier

Diane: Frasier, do you remember the time we drove down the cape and had a lobster picnic on the bluff? [turning to Lilith] We had nothing to crack open the claws, so Frasier put them in a bag and ran over them with the car.
Frasier: [chuckles] That didn't work either.
Diane: [laughs] Oh, we gave up and made glorious love in the dunes. Hmmm...
Lilith: Wait a minute. Wasn't that me?
Frasier: Right, that was you.
Diane: Well then, what do I represent?
Frasier: I don't know and I don't care. Now if you don't mind, I'd like a little peace.

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