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Dark Side of the Moon

‘Dark Side of the Moon’

Season 7, Episode 22 - Aired May 11, 2000

At a court-mandated therapy session, Daphne tells the story of how a surprise bridal shower and a visit from one of her brothers led to a four-car pile-up.

Quote from Daphne

Dr. McCaskill: What do you see here?
Daphne: It's two bunnies clawing each other to death over a lima bean. Forgive me, Dr. McCaskill, but this game seems rather silly.
Dr. McCaskill: Well, I understand how you might feel that way but it's helpful to me. Now, last one.
Daphne: It's a woman.
Dr. McCaskill: Okay, then.
Daphne: She's skinning a pigeon with a hatchet. ... Are we done now?
Dr. McCaskill: I think we still have some work to do.
Daphne: I just don't think there's any good reason for me to be here.
Dr. McCaskill: The judge felt differently.
Daphne: Oh, what does he know? Saying I need anger management. I'm not an angry person. I never have been.
Dr. McCaskill: Daphne, wasn't it anger that led you to cause that four-car accident?
Daphne: Well, yes, but I was provoked into that. I'm not angry anymore.


Quote from Daphne

Daphne: We played this one game where everyone's in groups and then each group dresses one person in a bridal gown made out of toilet paper. I can't remember what it's called...
Dr. McCaskill: "Toilet paper bridal gown"
Daphne: Yes, that's it. Have you played?
Dr. McCaskill: I'm familiar with it.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: You'll notice that I used the quilted variety for the bonnet and the edging on the veil.
Daphne: Well, you all look fantastic but I think we have a winner. Team C!

Quote from Daphne

Donny: Daphne, your big surprise has arrived. This is someone that I know you are dying to see.
Daphne: Your parents?
Donny: No, not till next week.
Daphne: My mother?
Donny: No, someone good.
Daphne: My brother?
Donny: Your favorite brother!
Daphne: Yeah, Steven!
Donny: Ste... no.
Daphne: Billy?
Donny: Um...
Daphne: Michael?
Donny: Well...
Daphne: Nigel? David?
Simon: [o.s.] Hello, thirsty man waitin' out here!
Daphne: Simon!

Quote from Roz

Simon: Yeah, right. Well, it's nice to meet you all. Especially whichever one's the bartender.
Roz: Oh, that would be me!
Simon: Oh and a pretty little bartender you are.
Roz: Right this way.
Simon: After you. I'd rather walk behind you anyway.
Roz: I just love your accent, it's so sophisticated.

Quote from Martin

Donny: Oh, boy, I really screwed up, didn't I?
Frasier: Now, isn't Steven the favorite brother?
Donny: Yes.
Martin: Even I knew that, and I barely listen to her.

Quote from Martin

Donny: I know, I know, I know. I got the names mixed up, but you have mentioned Simon, too.
Daphne: Yes, as a free-loader who just sits around the house drinking beer all day.
Martin: Well, that's a lot of people.
Daphne: You're retired.

Quote from Daphne

Daphne: And you've met my fiancée, Donny.
Simon: Oh, thanks for flying me out, mate.
Daphne: About that, didn't it seem unusual to you when he called you my favorite brother?
Simon: Now that you mention it, it did strike my ear as a bit odd, you being so partial to Steven. But then I thought, women change their minds all the time, brothers fall in and out of favor. Maybe it's my turn. And, ur, good thing too, as it was an especially good time for me to get out of England.
Roz: God, he talks just like a prince.

Quote from Frasier

Simon: Donny here says that Frasier's offered to put me up.
Frasier: Yes, well, when he told me he was inviting Daphne's favorite brother, I didn't hesitate. Of course, well, the sad truth is, we really don't have a bed for you.
Simon: Oh, a couch'll suit me just fine.
Frasier: Well, you wouldn't really be comfortable there for more than a day or two.
Simon: Oh, don't worry about that. I once slept on a couch for three months before I even realized it pulled out.

Quote from Daphne

Dr. McCaskill: And yet you still felt responsible for putting him up.
Daphne: I didn't have much choice. If I turned him out, I'd never hear the end of it from mum.
Dr. McCaskill: I'm hearing that your relatives are a source of anger for you.
Daphne: So? Aren't yours?
Dr. McCaskill: Well, they might be if I still talked to any of them.

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