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Agents in America, Part III

‘Agents in America, Part III’

Season 2, Episode 22 - Aired May 9, 1995

Frasier gets more than he bargained for when Bebe renegotiates his contract at the station.

Quote from Bebe

Frasier: I'm sorry for that horrible outburst and for grabbing you the way I did.
Bebe: Don't be. I was impressed. It was manly in a ... hysterical sort of way.


Quote from Bebe

Bebe: Cheers.
Frasier: Champagne, on top of scotch? Oh, what the hell.
Bebe: To a beautiful partnership.
Frasier: No, no. To a remarkable agent. What Bebe wants, Bebe gets. When will I ever learn that?
Bebe: Soon enough, dear.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Yes, they called around five to midnight and Bebe and I had some champagne to celebrate. And then... And then... Oh, God.
Bebe: [appearing from Frasier's bedroom] Morning, Doctor.
Frasier: Somebody hold me.

Quote from Martin

Bebe: I hope you don't mind, but I didn't see a robe, and your shirt looked so nice and big and warm. Just like you.
Martin: Well, I think I'll go in the other room and eat my breakfast - while I still can!

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Uh, you know what would really hit the spot right now?
Bebe: My God, you're a machine!
Frasier: Coffee! I meant coffee.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: We were celebrating. You see, the station called to renegotiate my contract.
Niles: Ah. Paid your commission up-front, I see.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: All right, I'm going out there.
Roz: Are you nuts? That's nine stories down. You know what a drop like that would do to you?
Frasier: No, Roz, why don't you toss a pumpkin out the window so I have a clear image just before I try?!

Quote from Bebe

Frasier: Now don't you patronize me, you sweet-talking succubus. You get on the phone and call them!
Bebe: Ooh, my God, Hands of Hercules! What must your legs be like?

Quote from Martin

Martin: Sorry, Eddie, he's still alive. You're not gonna get your own room after all.
Frasier: Oh God.
Martin: How are you feeling?
Frasier: How do I look?
Martin: Last time I saw a guy who looked like you, he'd been in the trunk of a car at the airport for a month.

Quote from Bulldog

Frasier: Well, Bebe, that is what my contract calls for.
Bebe: A slave contract you negotiated two years ago before you even had an agent. They took advantage of your inexperience.
Frasier: I thought it was a very generous offer.
Bebe: Oh please, do you have any idea how hot you are? I get offers every day from other stations, offering the moon for you!
Frasier: Good Lord, am I really that hot?
Bebe: Are you kidding? If I were a pot roast, I'd be done.

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