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A Cranes' Critique

‘A Cranes' Critique’

Season 4, Episode 4 - Aired October 22, 1996

Frasier and Niles are dumbstruck when Martin befriends a brilliant and reclusive author who published just one book.

Quote from Niles

Roz: Hey, Marty. What are you doing here?
Martin: Oh, they're dragging me out to buy some new clothes.
Niles: We're taking him out to Rodolfo's once-a-year sale. It's fifty per cent off. Alterations are free.
Martin: Big deal. Butz Clothiers do that every day.
Frasier: Yes, not to mention the convenience of getting your "BigFoot" pizza right next door.
Martin: These guys think I have bad taste in clothes.
Roz: Well, I like the way you dress.
Niles: I believe that's what's called "the clincher." Shall we go?


Quote from Martin

T.H. Houghton: Can you believe that man makes seven million a year?
Martin: That's crazy. See him scratching his butt? That's about five grand a year right there.

Quote from Martin

T.H. Houghton: So that's your favorite character, really?
Martin: Yeah, I really like him. He's the kind of guy you can just sit and have a beer with.
T.H. Houghton: Well, I can see you saying that about "Hoss", but Little Joe?
Martin: Well that's the great thing about "Bonanza." There's something for everyone.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Well thank you, Mr. False Alarm. Oh, look, there he is over at the yogurt store. Oh, look, there he is at the futon store. Oh, look, there he is with Dad!

Quote from Niles

Niles: I don't know when I've enjoyed an exhibit more. The artist's choice to make that still-life a monochrome was a stroke of genius. Conveyed such despair.
Frasier: Yes. It was so refreshing to see a sad peach.
Niles: How about that curator?
Frasier: Kind of a peach herself, wasn't she?
Niles: No cubism there, I don't think.
Frasier: No, certainly not.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: What the hell was he doing here?
Niles: We might know if you hadn't spent an hour pondering the despair of the peach.
Frasier: This from the man who spent thirty minutes looking at "Woman with a rectangular head."
Daphne: Oh, was Mrs. Foster in the lobby again?

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: He was here all afternoon?
Daphne: Yes. It's a shame you couldn't be here. He told the most fascinating stories. Of course he and your father are getting on like old chums, but the sweetest thing was how he took to Eddie.
Frasier: He spent time with Eddie?
Daphne: Fed him his afternoon biscuit.
Frasier: Will the madness ever end?

Quote from Frasier

Niles: Now, now, let's not give up hope. Maybe Dad will bring him back to the apartment after dinner.
Frasier: Oh, well I doubt it. He'll probably run into J.D. Salinger and Salman Rushdie, go out for Margaritas.

Quote from Daphne

Frasier: He's coming back?
Daphne: Yes. Any minute. It's a double header. [Frasier looks blankly at her] They play two games!

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: He's on his way. He and Dad are going to a baseball game. It's a double header. [Niles looks blankly at him] They play two games!

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