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Why Are We Here?

‘Why Are We Here?’

Season 1, Episode 22 - Aired April 7, 1997

As Debra loses patience with Frank, Marie and Robert always barging into the house, she and Ray think back to the cramped apartment they lived in three years ago.

Quote from Ray

Debra: Here's a two-bedroom apartment in Elmont.
Ray: Elmont? No. Look, here's the tri-state area. Here's where my mom and dad live. So anything within this circle is too close to my parents' house.
Debra: Put that away. They're gonna be here any minute.
Ray: You're not listening. If my mom can cook sauce and get it to our house before it's cold, she's gonna be over every day. Nuh-uh. We'll call this the hot zone.
Debra: I like her sauce.
Ray: Let me finish, please. Now, anything within this zone is gonna be about a once-a-week visit, okay? Now, here farthest away. Best zone right? Wrong! 'Cause if we move here and they visit, they become overnight guests. Okay, so the middle zone is our target area. It's too close for an overnight, too far for sauce.
Debra: Well, speak for yourself, Ray, because I have no problem with your parents.


Quote from Ray

Debra: I would never have thought that I would miss our little apartment in Queens.
Ray: Come on, that apartment was tiny cramped and noisy.
Debra: And your parents would only visit every other month.
Ray: I loved that place.

Quote from Debra

Ray: So, when we can afford to move, where do you want to go?
Debra: Well, here's Earth, your parents' planet. Let's call this the hot zone.

Quote from Marie

Marie: [enters] Hi, listen, I brought you some whole milk. I think you could use some calcium in this house.
Debra: What?
Marie: Oh, don't be alarmed, dear. It's just that when I was here this morning the twins looked bow-legged.
Debra: Thank you, Marie, but we have milk.
Marie: No, I threw it out. It smelled questionable.
Debra: Marie, we don't need your milk okay? And don't throw our milk.

Quote from Frank

Frank: My shorts are riding along with some of your fine washables. Hey, kids, let me get a sniff.
Debra: No, Frank, not right now. I'm trying to get-
Frank: They're the fountain of youth. Ah, I'm sucking in that youth. Ah, it's magic.
Debra: Frank, please. You're slobbering on them, okay?

Quote from Frank

Frank: How about that yard?
Debra: It's nice. Really big, Frank.
Frank: Nothing more important in a kid's life than a big backyard. Pitch a tent. Bury a cat. Remember Whiskers?
Ray: Yeah, Dad.
Frank: Still in our yard if you want to pay your respects.

Quote from Robert

Ray: Debra went for her sonogram today.
Frank: What are we having?
Ray: Take a guess.
Robert: Well, you already have a girl so with Raymond's luck I'm guessing a boy?
Ray: No.
Robert: A girl? You're having another girl? You're gonna have two girls. [chuckles]
Debra: Uh, it's, uh... It's twin boys.
Marie: Oh, my God.
Frank: Two sons, it's a dynasty!
Robert: Well, look at Raymond go.

Quote from Ray

Ray: This is not the house for us, that's all. We must keep looking.
Debra: I don't wanna keep looking.
Ray: Why? We can find something else just like this.
Debra: But this house is right by your parents'.
Ray: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Do you hear what you're saying? It's the hormones. That's- Tell me it's the hormones. You've got twice the hormones going now. You don't know what you're saying.
Debra: Ray, in four months we're gonna have three kids. I'm gonna need all the help I can get. Who better to help us than your parents?
Ray: The devil.

Quote from Robert

Robert: Debra, look do me a favor. I'm calling Channel 11. Ask the lady which Twilight Zone is on tonight.
Debra: Oh, Robert, no. Why don't you ask her that?
Robert: She knows my voice.
Debra: [on the phone] Yeah, hello? Hello? Uh, yeah. Can you tell me which episode of
Robert: Twilight Zone.
Debra: Twilight Zone is on tonight please? Yeah. Okay, thank you. [hangs up] Lady picks up a hitchhiker who turns out to be Death.
Robert: Ah, that's a great one. You know, you would think Death is a big guy. But he's a little guy. Genius.

Quote from Marie

Debra: Where's my pot roast?
Marie: Oh, well, that's over at my house.
Debra: What? What's it doing over there?
Marie: Well, when I smelled it earlier it definitely needed some work.
Debra: What?
Marie: I drained it and now I'm readjusting the spices.
Ray: What, do you got it up on the lift over there, Mom?

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