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The Cult

‘The Cult’

Season 7, Episode 1 - Aired September 23, 2002

With tension in the family still running high as Debra and Marie refuse to talk to each other, a stressed-out Robert joins a cult.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Come on, what were you thinking?
Robert: I just haven't been so great lately. I- I feel like I got nothing to count on. And now this thing with Ma and Debra, it's got me... I don't know.
Ray: I'll tell you, though, when you told us about Innerpath, it actually got both of them in the same room for a few minutes, 'cause they were so freaked out.
Robert: Really? They were worried about me?
Ray: Yeah! Yeah! Hey you know what? There might be something we could do.
Robert: What do you mean?
Gerard: Man, wasn't that a great meeting, Raymond? I am on cloud nine. Can you guys give me a lift home? Somebody stole my car.


Quote from Ray

Debra: What's the matter?
Ray: It's bad!
Debra: What? What's bad?
Ray: They're freaks! They're freakin' mind-melting freaks! And they got Robert!
Debra: What do you mean, they got Robert?
Ray: They're in his head. Don't you get it?! This was my brother!
Debra: Honey, it's okay-
Ray: No, it's not okay, Debra! Not this time! Not this time. I saw them! I saw them! They got Robert so turned around, he doesn't even wear underpants anymore.
Debra: What?
Ray: They don't wear underpants, Debra! They're freaks!

Quote from Debra

Ray: Judy, what? What's going on?
Judy: I know you don't think an intervention can help your brother, Ray, but he's my partner and I sure as hell am gonna try. That okay with you, Debra?
Debra: Uh, yeah, I guess, if you really think-
Judy: Good. It's very simple. We lock the door on the sucker and love-bomb his sorry ass.
Debra: Well, how are you gonna get-
Judy: I told Robert you wanted him here at 9:00 for cake.
Debra: He fell for that?
Judy: That boy always falls for cake.

Quote from Marie

Judy: Now listen up, people. You just do what I say and we'll be fine. And no matter what, no matter how much Robert wants to get out of here, and he will, we do not let him. We stay here as long it takes to let Robert know that you are his family and that family, that love, is stronger than any crazy-faced loser collection of pinheads. Where's Frank?
Marie: He's at the lodge, which is for the best. He's not really good with love.

Quote from Robert

Robert: All right! All right! I know what this is. And you could all talk until you're blue in the face, but it will not do you any good. "The path is straight, and the children of the path shall walk upon it straightly on its straighty straightness."
Ray: You see? You see?! This is what I'm talkin' about. It's worse now.
Debra: What did they do to him? And why is he smiling like that?
Ray: No underpants.

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