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Robert Needs Money

‘Robert Needs Money’

Season 7, Episode 6 -  Aired October 21, 2002

Ray and Debra lend Robert money after his pay is cut at the precinct.

Quote from Ray

Debra: Wait a minute. Robert, are you sure you can afford to go to Las Vegas?
Robert: Well, I can now, thanks to you.
Debra: But you were eating bologna pie!
Marie: [gasps] Debra, why would you make that for him?
Debra: I didn't make it. Robert was saying he's been eating bologna and everything because he has no money.
Ray: Yeah, we thought you would use that $1,000 to, I don't know, keep yourself alive.


Quote from Robert

Ray: What about all your problems and your bills?
Robert: You see, I thought about that, but those things'll always be there. When else am I gonna have an extra $1,000 to go to Vegas?
Ray: That wasn't an extra $1,000.
Debra: Robert, can I say something? Going to Las Vegas seems a bit extravagant for someone in your position.
Robert: Well, my position is extremely stressed and needing a vacation.

Quote from Ray

Ray: I didn't give you that money so you could go to Vegas.
Robert: Oh, I'm sorry I didn't read the small print on the check. I didn't realize your gifts came with rules attached. "Here's the money, and here's a list of things you can do with it."
Ray: You know what I mean.
Robert: I mean, if you gave me a chair, would you tell me how to sit in it? "Here, Robert. I gave you this chair. Don't sit like this. Sit like this!"
Debra: Now, Robert-
Ray: I gave you that money, and you hugged me. And I let you hug me. And I said, "You're my brother." You take that money and you go to Vegas with it, you're not my brother.
Robert: Oh, really? [exits]

Quote from Ray

Robert: You're exactly the same. So why don't you just leave me alone and go back to Raymondland, where all the birds sing your name and the squirrels press your pants for you?
Ray: Oh, I see. Oh, I have the life, right? "Oh, it never ends for Raymond." Yeah. Yeah. I'm lucky, right? I have so much money to give away that you can just take it and go to Vegas with it, and that'll be your big "Screw you" to me.
Robert: Oh, yeah? Well, then, I'll tell you what, see? Why don't you just take your check back? Because the bottom line is you can't stand to see me happy.
Ray: No, you take it. You take this check.
Robert: I don't want it.
Ray: You take it.

Quote from Robert

Robert: Come on, white tigers, magical fountains. They've got a hotel from every country. It's like the whole world on one big hot street.
Ray: Hey, don't think I wouldn't love to go. There's only one problem, and she's not a small problem.
Robert: All right, look, just tell her it would be really important to me.Come on, two or three days. Tell her. She may not care if you're happy, but she likes me.
Ray: That's true.
Robert: Come on, Ray. Two or three days. Empty hotel room, minibar, pay-per-view movies. Room-service cheeseburgers at 3:00 in the morning.
Ray: We're gonna need another thousand.

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