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Just a Formality

‘Just a Formality’

Season 7, Episode 14 - Aired February 3, 2003

After Robert decides to propose to Amy, he visits her parents, Hank (Fred Willard) and Pat (Georgia Engel), in Pennsylvania to ask for their blessing.

Quote from Ray

Robert: Did you see how I played it there with Amy, nice and cool? She doesn't suspect a thing.
Ray: What, that you're a dwarf on stilts?


Quote from Robert

Robert: What the lovely Amy does not suspect is that her boyfriend Robert is about to propose to her!
Ray: What?!
Robert: Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna ask her to marry me.
Ray: Yeah?
Robert: All right, I know what you're going to say. "Are you sure, Robert? You don't have exactly the best track record. People who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."
Ray: No, no. I was gonna say congratulations.
Robert: Why can't you just be happy for me?!

Quote from Ray

Ray: Come on. Are we hitting a bucket or what?
Robert: No. No driving range today. This was just all to throw her off. I got a lot of things I gotta do. See ya later. [exits]
Ray: [to himself] Well, what do I do now? I'm all horny for golf!

Quote from Robert

Robert: Hello, Mr. MacDougall.
Hank: Robert?
Robert: It's been a long time. May I?
Hank: Uh, sure. Amy's not here, you know.
Robert: No, no, I'm here to see you. Mrs. MacDougall. Sorry to interrupt your evening.
Pat: Hello, Robert. It's nice to see you again. What brings you to Pennsylvania?
Robert: My car. [all chuckle]

Quote from Marie

Marie: Why did you break up with Amy?
Robert: Ma, I didn't break up with Amy! I wanna ask her to marry me!
Debra: Marry you?
Marie: Really?
Robert: Yes! [Debra and Marie cheer]
Marie: I'm so happy!
Frank: Yeah, son. Holy crap!
Marie: Oh, you're gonna marry Amy.

Quote from Ray

Debra: Okay, you listen to me, Robert. This is between you and Amy. Her parents are just gonna have to get used to the idea. But it's your life. You do what you want to do.
Ray: Until you get married. Then you do what she wants to do.

Quote from Ray

Peter: Hello again. Raymond! How wonderful to see you! He's the good one, Mama.
Ray: Thanks there, Peter, but Robert's good, too. He's a good person. Lieutenant in the New York police force. He's like a hero. He's also the the kindest and sweetest guy I know. And, more importantly, he loves Amy very much, and I know that he would devote his whole life to her.

Quote from Hank

Hank: I'm going to get Mother upstairs. Perhaps you boys should go now.
Pat: I'm dizzy.
Hank: Lean on me, Pat. We should've never let Amy go to the city.

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