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Crazy Chin

‘Crazy Chin’

Season 8, Episode 18 - Aired March 22, 2004

Amy's parents as Robert why he touches his food to his chin before eating.

Quote from Peter

Hank: But why do you do it? Are you using your chin to test the temperature of your food?
Pat: Oh, that's silly, Hank. He'd have a big red mark on his chin every time the food was too hot.
Hank: That's true. So it's not that?
Peter: That's where his mouth was when he got here. He's still growing. [laughs]


Quote from Marie

Marie: Please, Robert. You two should be ashamed of yourselves. What gives you the right to butt into people's lives?
Robert: Yes!
Marie: What? You think you can help him after I've spent my whole life trying? Please. The only thing we can do is pretend that he's fine and let him blend into society as best he can.

Quote from Frank

Frank: He's not moving back! I finally had the both of you out of the house. There was only one more to go.

Quote from Debra

Debra: How about this: Marie, before Ray was born, do you remember doing the airplane thing to Robert?
Marie: Sure.
Debra: So isn't it possible that while you were wiping Ray's chin, Robert was feeling neglected? And that's when he started taking care of himself. So you see, Robert, when Ray came along, you started touching food to your chin as a subconscious way of trying to get your mother's attention again. And now that's your way of dealing with any kind of stress. That makes sense, right? [excited] See, I told you I would get it! [off Robert's look] I'm sorry, Robert.

Quote from Peter

Hank: You know, Robert, I've always wanted to ask you something.
Robert: What is that, sir?
Hank: Why do you touch your food to your chin before you put it in your mouth?
Amy: Dad!
Robert: No, it's okay, Amy.
Pat: You know, I noticed that too. Why do you do that, Robert?
Robert: It's- It's nothing. It's just a little habit of mine, that's all.
Amy: Yeah, he hardly ever does it.
Peter: Eh, that's all right. Every family has their oddball. With us, it's Mom.

Quote from Pat

Peter: Cuckoo. Cuckoo.
Pat: Peter, stop. I don't think it's cuckoo at all.
[When Pat does Robert's chin touch with her food, she ends with a lump of mashed vegetables on her chin]
Pat: May I have a napkin, please?

Quote from Robert

Amy: Well, I know your job can be very stressful, so I wanna help reduce the stress.
Robert: Well then, very nice. I've been on the force for 27 years, so I'm used to stress. And you know my motto when I'm on the beat: Don't be afraid to pull the trigger... on your smile.
Amy: I love that motto.
Robert: I know. Me too.

Quote from Frank

Amy: Look, Robert, I did a lot of thinking last night, and I'm sorry. I realized something. You've been doing your little thing a lot more lately... Not because of your job or my family. Or other families. But I think the real reason is because you hate being married. [cries]
Marie: No, Amy, that can't be it.
Frank: Yeah. I hate being married, and I don't do any goofy crap.

Quote from Robert

Debra: Okay, so wait. Robert, maybe you were nervous about being caught by Marie and so you forgot how to eat?
Ray: Really? That's what you learned in college? What was it, one of those hair colleges?
Frank: Ah, Robert was doing it before then anyway. I remember one time-
Robert: Oh God, it's like the special psycho edition of "This is Your Life."

Quote from Debra

Debra: I always thought that that chin thing was just a nervous habit.
Amy: Well, what did he have to be nervous about last night? We were having dinner with my family. Oh.
Debra: By the way, it's not just your family that stresses him out.
Ray: What, all of a sudden, you got a problem with my family?
Debra: All I'm saying is that Robert Barone has plenty of reasons to develop a nervous habit or two. I mean, on top of everything else, he's a policeman. The chin thing is clearly a manifestation of stress. [off Ray's look] What? I took behavioral psychology in college.

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