Risky Quote #14

Quote from Risky in Everybody Hates Baseball

Risky: Oh, hey, Rochelle, what do you need, a butter roll or bagel?
Rochelle: Do you still have those celebrity autograph pictures?
Risky: I might have a few.
Rochelle: You got Billy Ocean?
Risky: What you want with a picture of Billy Ocean?
Rochelle: It's for Tonya.
Risky: [scoffs] All right, Tonya. All right, let's see here. Okay, uh, Billie Jean King, Wild Bill Hickok, uh... Billy Joel...
Rochelle: What do you do with these pictures anyway?
Risky: Oh, I sell 'em to soul food restaurants. Okay, Arctic Ocean, uh, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean... Billy Ocean!


 ‘Everybody Hates Baseball’ Quotes

Quote from Julius

Rochelle: Baby, I haven't seen you this excited since you found that book of food stamps.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] She should have seen him when he found a meter with time left on it!
Julius: Look, we got great seats, free tickets, I got the day off, and I get to hang with my boys.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] If you threw in a nap, he would die and go to heaven.
Julius: If you threw in a nap, I'd die and go to heaven.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] See?

Quote from Vanessa

Adult Chris: [v.o.] After giving it some thought, Vanessa decided to give my mom a piece of her mind.
Vanessa: Rochelle.
Rochelle: Ah, hey, Vanessa, what's up?
Vanessa: Well, you tell me. Why don't you think I'm good enough to go out with your brother?
Rochelle: I never said that.
Vanessa: I tell you what, Miss High and Mighty, when you figure out what you are trying to say, you call me at home and then say it. Until then, find somebody else to wax your mustache.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] What about the soul patch?

Quote from Michael

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Nothing could spoil family time like a visit from my uncle Michael.
Michael: Big Man!
Julius: What's going on, Michael?
Michael: Beside momma being mad at me for eating all the Captain Crunch, nothing.